US M4(75) heading to the front

Hey everybody, as promised, here is my M4 Sherman. This is a Tamiya kit, and it was an easy build. I’ve made some modifications and added aftermarket parts. Though not visible, this kit originally lacked sponsons, so I crafted some using plastic cardas well as the side skirts rails. Additionally, I’ve installed a metal barrel and utilized 3D printed tracks from E.T. Models, which I highly recommend due to their ease of assembly. To enhance realism, I attached railings to the turret for securing bags rather than simply gluing them. Brass was used to fashion the rear flaps and straps for the tools, and I added extra stowage from my parts bin. For the first time, I used aluminium foil to create a canvas cover and twisted fine wire to make the tow cable. The soldiers are from the Tamiya US Infantry Scout set, and everything is showcased on a simple diorama I constructed. I hope you enjoy it.!


Here are the photos that didn’t upload.



Looks good, nice and beat up.

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This looks fantastic, the kit and the plants and the weathered M4 are superb. What art the hairy things on the back and why are they hairy looking?

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Thanks DAKjunkie, the hairy things is rope. The string I’m using something goes like that when I spray the dull coat. Have to find better string as rope. Cheers.


Try using the string for model ship building. Comes in a variety of colors and sizes, and it’s waxed, so no hairiness!


You have really captured the scene of a Sherman off to battle, capturing the muddy conditions reflected on a well lived in and on tank! I like that you used the crew that came with the kit and weathered their faces so well! You have illustrated the day to day nastiness of living the way the tankers did and if I were to post a photo of one real tanker to show how well you have captured the look, it would be one of Creighton Abrams who took out more German tanks than any one else and lived through 5 tanks! Your ground work and foliage looks really good and the way you used a photo background works really well! Congratulations on an excellent diorama!


@ Dario (Darz). Here ya’ go…

‘Syren ULTRA Scale Rope’

Note: I have no affiliation with any companies.

I have the Tan .008 and .012 sizes which work very well for 1/35 AFV tie-downs. I highly recommend their products. HTH.

—mike :hammer_and_wrench:


Thanks guys, I’m glad you like my model, I’m learning a lot from other modellers. Thanks for the tip on the scale model rope Mike, I looked at the cost, which is $25.00US inc freight, but I’m in Australia and it ends up costing me about $40.00 AUD. I’ll see if I can find something equivalent or maybe bite the bullet and just get it! Cheers Dario.


Another option is beading wire at a local craft store as there are some that are multi string twisted.

You can also soak in a white glue and water mix to help pull down the fuzz.

Here is an option from Michael’s I picked up today that could work.


@ Dario (Darz). Sorry to hear that. I went through something similar with an order from the UK to the US recently. International shipping is just so over the top. The Syren ropes are packaged in small, thin bags that could be mailed in a regular letter size envelope — not like they’re sending a real rope! … Rant over. I’m sure the guys here will chime in with a more reasonable solution. :upside_down_face:

PS: I just had a look at BNA Model World, I believe they may stock something similar from LZ Models. HTH.

—mike :hammer_and_wrench:


Nicely done!

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Hey Mike , thanks mate after I wrote the reply I started looking online and found Dry dock models & parts and guess what they had? 0.3mm tan rope for models and with freight, just $24.00 AUS. About the same if I brought it in the US. Thanks for the tip and the size of the rope as I wouldn’t know. :+1: