Vallejo Colors for Interwar AFVs from Czechoslovakia?

I want to build an Academy Panzer 35(t) (before it was called that) as used by Czechoslovakia before 1938. According to my reference books, these vehicles were painted in a hard edged, three color scheme very similar to German late war camouflage. One reference book mentions a fully restored Panzer 35(t) in Sofia that mat be painted in this scheme.

The image above, pulled from the internet, may be the restored vehicle mentioned above. However, the colors may be wrong or represent a different three color scheme used by a different country.

Does anyone know where I can find color pictures of a restored tank painted in correct three color camouflage as used by Czechoslovakia circa 1935 to 1938?


Does anyone know the correct Vallejo colors for armored vehicles from Czechoslovakia circa 1935 to 1938?


Edit: It appears the following two vehicles belong to the Military Technical Museum Lešany located in the Czech Republic.

My conjecture is that the first Panzer 35(t) shown above is in World War II Bulgarian colors, the second Panzer 35(t) is in 1935 Czechoslovakian colors, and the third Panzer 38(t) in World War II Czechoslovakian/German colors.

Star Decals makes a series of sheets covering many vehicles from Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, and Romania. (A Hungarian Jagdpanzer 38 may also be in my future.)

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