Veteran's Day Joke

I remember an old “Family Circus” cartoon where Billy plays with war toys and reads military comics, and asks his grandfather, “Wasn’t it fun in the war?” The grandfather, remembering being in a trench in a rainstorm, replies, “Not at all, Billy. Whatever gave you that idea?”


Looks like Dennis the menace to me…

I don’t know how you managed to find the original, but thanks.

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Dennis Mitchell’s father was in the US Navy. I know because I remember a cartoon where he and Joey are in Dennis’s attic and Dennis pulls out a Dixie hat, and Dennis calls it his father’s admiral hat.

I don’t remember any cartoons where Dennis or his friends ever played any military games though.

Googled family circle cartoon veteran

Bil Keane was in the US Army from 1942 to 45 in case anyone was wondering.

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