Vietnam M113 Crew and Rifleman | Armorama™

H3 Models released several new figures from Vietnam War era. The figures are available in multiple scales.

This is partial text from the full article (usually with photos) at

These look really nice! Does anyone have an opinion of how accurate these are? I’m not well versed on Vietnam subjects so I’m just curious.


The CAD renderings look very good, but I’d really want to see some actual production figures before I could be excited about these. I can’t say how many times that I’ve been enthused by the artwork used to promote a figure set only to be very disappointed by what was in the box.

One might think that 3D CAD renders would be better representations of what will / is actually produced and sold, but, alas, for my part that is not a universal experience. The quality and fidelity of the 3D printed (or printed masters then production copied with resin casting) figures is quite spotty - some are really good, but all too many really poor…

I no longer consider buying figures based only on CAD renders. Unless the manufacturer is willing to send out detail photos of the actual production figures - raw and unpainted - I pretty much just pass up what they’re selling.


Well stated Mike, I agree. I’ve made the mistake of being taken in by just the CAD drawing instead of waiting to see it for real in plastic or resin.


Being that these figures are 3d Scans of an actual person wearing the uniforms and equipment rather than 3d rendered sculpts, the technical accuracy of the uniforms and equipment should be pretty accurate as they are using the real stuff. The placement, shape, proportions of the uniform details such as the pockets are correct. The flak vests, helmets, and web gear are technically correct in shape and proportion. However, certain nuances that would make the figures seem more authentic to the Vietnam experience are off. I will start with the Infantryman with the M16. This figures screams “modern day reenactor” to me mainly because of the way his his holding his M16. This form of weapons handling was not introduced to the masses of US troops until the mid to late 1980s. At the time, US Troops were taught to have the buttstock under the arm and some were even taught to alternate muzzzle orientation left and right as one goes down a column. I just plan on changing the way he is holding his rifle when I get this figure.
The two ACAV crewmen are OK, but they seem to be in poses off of the vehicle, yet they are still wearing their CVCs. When dismounting, CVCs were usually left at the position rather than carried off by the wearer. This practice is still common today. So, the wearing of the CVC while dismounted would not happen in most cases. I am sure they have the figures wearing them to associate them with the vehicle. I am just going to change heads on mine.

As to the quality of the production pieces, other stuff I have gotten from H3 has been pretty nice. I ordered these three figures in 1/35 scale last night. When they arrive, I will get back on here and give my impression of them.

I think the figures have potential, but like others have mentioned, seeing the actual production figures will be the only way to tell for sure.

H3 just posted another figure this morning. It is another guy with an M16, but he had a belt of ammo worn across his shoulders hanging from around his neck like you often see WW2 German Soldiers do, which is not a practice common to US troops in Vietnam. The only time I ever saw US troops drape ammo like that is at a Familiarization Fire Range Event and those Soldiers were waiting in line for their turn to fire. I really wish these figure manufacturers would research the subject better and use photos of actual Soldiers in Vietnam rather than photos of reenactors.

While I am happy as a modeler of Vietnam War subjects that the subject is becoming more popular, I am frustrated by the several new manufacturers that are putting out figures with blatantly wrong details. Research should be pretty easy with Veterans of the war still being around and sharing their photos and experiences on various sites, numerous books, hundreds of thousands of photos, and tons of film footage not to mention the actual uniforms and equipment being available. There should be no excuse for getting technical details wrong. Now these figures are not that bad as the technical uniform and equipment accuracy is pretty good because they used the real stuff in their scans, just a few nuances that could be better.

Well, that is my opinion of the subject.


these are CAD pictires so it’s hard to tell but tge M14 pouch looks empty to me where as you can cram in 4 20rnd mags in each.
I’m also surprised he has no grenades or butt pack but does have a bayonet, it’s almost as if he is a guard at a checkpoint in a “secure area” he doesn’t have the look or feel of a boonierat to me.

but it is just a computer image.


I agree w/ReconTL6, (only talking about the grunt, I wasn’t an armor guy). His uniform looks “correct” but very neat and “by the book” for a field GI. Many of us did carry bandolier’s with loaded 20 rd magazines, some guys used the magazine pouches for their cigarettes :slightly_smiling_face:. 2 canteens and no field pack seem kind of odd, OK if on guard duty I guess. The boots look like later war Panama soles, so keep that in mind. Also agree with the “high carry” stance issue, we simply were not taught to carry our weapons like that in the 1960’s, came much later. I recall seeing some Australian troops carry their weapons in that manner, but it wasn’t common in any US units I was with. So, not a bad figure as a basis for a Vietnam troop, but could use some work.


I agree that the ammo pouches look a bit empty. When they are full there are no wrinkles or folds.

I don’t know of many Mechanized Infantry guys or ACR guys who wore buttpacks, but it is something that is easy to add if the scene requires it.

I also agree that he doesn’t have the “feel” or aura of a boonierat or Grunt. When one uses reenactors who probably have no military experience, it is difficult to achieve “the look”.

I also think they should have gone with jungle boots that have the Vibram sole because you would see those throughout the duration of the war whereas the Panama Sole would only be after 1968.

Still, despite these flaws they are still better than most of the 3D printed Vietnam figures of GIs.


Other, related releases…

I have two modern US tankers and can easily recommend H3 figures, albeit they are a single piece, no gluing, clean up of the figures can be fun - there are a multitude of print rods being a single piece, and expensive.


Most people I have spoken to about what they carried in Vietnam speak of carrying the majority of their ammo in bandoleers and using their ammo pouches to carry other items like Tabasco sauce, toilet paper, or as you mentioned, cigarettes. The Mech guys seemed to try to carry as little as possible when dismounted. I am sure this was mainly due to the shorter duration of most of their dismounted operations although there were a few multiday missions requiring rucks and other gear.

Here is a photo of some Mechanized Grunts from C Company, 2d Battalion, 47th Infantry (Mechanized), 9th Infantry Division in 1970 getting ready to head out on an ambush patrol. Their appearance is quite a bit different from that of the rifleman figure. :slight_smile:


Ha! We were a pretty raggidy ass looking bunch…


thanks for posting that picture, i had two thoughts come into my mind when i saw it the first was: ah they are probably 9th infantry as they used to use cloth bandoliers to carry ammo. my second thought was “who were those handsome young men” :yum::sunglasses:

it would be nice to see some of these new 3D printed figures with M60 ammo belts on them as i think the technology should be able to achieve this now.

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Just to round out the conversation, there is this guy, too…

Holding a rifle, if you will


i actually prefer this one he has an ‘attitude’ about him.

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At least these guys are wearing belts of ammo.

Not just that - the whole trigger finger along the receiver was not a big thing back then,
Photos of fingers on triggers abound.


Even Ben Stiller got it right in the movie - that’s mostly how they posed back then:

If you were to make a Vietnam era movie today you’d have to tell the actors “Forgot what most of you have been taught (Alec Baldwin excluded) about keeping your fingers off the triggers - this is what a lot of them did then. Put your finger on the trigger when I tell you to for the scene, and only then. Just rest assured there are no live rounds in your weapon. In fact, everyone point their weapon in a safe direction and do a chamber check for me.”


someone say, ‘belts of ammo’?

and coke?


Some more coming up…




Wow that’s a beauty!