Warpaint 135: DH.89 Dragon Rapide & Dominie | AeroScale

Guideline Publications has provided a glimpse of some of the content ahead of the publication of a monograph on the DH.89 Dragon Rapide and Dominie in the Warpaint range

This is partial text from the full article (usually with photos) at https://aeroscale.net/news/warpaint-135-dh-89-dragon-rapide-dominie

Side view looks very accurate, with correct window proportions for a change. :slight_smile:

Any mention of the original DH 89’s shorter tailplane with different elevator shape? Most pre-war Rapides and Dominies had this little-recognised feature. Also, ply reinforcement around the outer interplane strut anchor points is missing from the plan view line drawing. See factory photo… In fact, apart from better window spacing. the entire drawing repeats errors seen in published drawings all the way back to 1956! Incorrect wing rib detail, engine spacing (12 feet, should be 11 ft 6 in), etc, etc.