Just a quick question on painting weapon components, I am about to paint and mount the barrel and the coax on a Bradley model and I don’t like the metallic color of the gun metal paints that I have seen. Any guidance would be greatly appreciated.
If you want some sort of metallic effect but don’t like the results from paint…
Paint them flat black or dark gray. Then rub on powdered pencil graphite.
Try it on some scrap sprue to see what you think of it.
I do not want the metallic at all most of the weapon’s systems that I have been around are mor of a flat black with no metallic sparkle.
True. I thought you didn’t like the metallic paint because of its grain.
Go with flat black or scale it down with a very dark gray. You can selectively use the graphite if you want a hint of wear.
Also keep in mind some weapons are subject to lots of handling and get burnished… losing a bit of the matte effect. A tiny bit of skin oil rubbed on (yeah, I know but it works) will give a subtle sheen.
Otherwise leave it totally flat.
Awesome thank you and I am very familiar with the shiny spots. My rife in Afghanistan had a spot on the upper and lower receiver that were polished to a chrome finish for always rubbing on my uniform for a year.
I was in Jerusalem in '77. A bunch of young IDF newbies got on the bus with their M16’s. Those things were also worn to the silver.
Just an alternative I found acceptable – enamel steel undercoat, followed by cheap artist-acrylic matt/flat black coat on top. Then using a damp cloth or ultra-fine sandpaper (very) gently fade the black. What comes off is obviously on raised parts but you don’t get a bright gleam, just a kinda – hopefully subtle - metallic effect. Not a great example here but…
for me it depends how the weapon was finished. if it was “blued” I use burnt iron. if it was parkerized I use NATO black. so for your Brad I’d paint the barrrel burnt iron and the coax NATO black.
I paint my barrels like this Panzer Grey to represent the black or parkerized finish. I rub a little graphite on them to give a little sheen, but you don’t have to do that.
Vallejo makes a gunmetal blue and gunmetal grey. Either in a glaze or mixed gives a decent finish. While the barrels are touched, I don’t recall them getting that worn. Depending on usage, you are not changing them that often so it’s minimal handling once installed.
I usually base coat them in black or dark gray and do a light dry brushing with oily steel.