What-If Bundeswehr Heavy Tank M103 & Recce Tank RU 251 c.1966

At last! Now looking a bit more Germanic:

Detail painting to continue; the yellow diamond decal on the front (and rear but unseen) is the first stage of my devising something approaching the earlier tactical markings the Germans used.


A quick check of the stowage:


Looking rather splendid Brian. The Bundeswehr colours really suit the M103. For me it hints at a Leopard 1 on steroids! Love it.

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Yeah, it’s sort of coming together now, which is a good thing; one never quite knows how a project will turn out. Getting to this stage is a stimulus in itself I find; the only retarding factor is figures and I’ve still 3 more to make let alone paint.

Anyway, onward and upwards!


Bergen’s are looking very nice now fitted. Done a great job sculpting those :+1:

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Thanks John; I’ve belatedly realised that I may have to do a few more for the recce tank.


A quick update: the M103A2G turret now replete with a bit of stowage, rucksacks and one depicted wrapped in a poncho bearing the camouflage pattern of an earlier Bundeswehr issue:

The poncho is yet to be toned down a bit, and of course, when the whole is matted down it should look OK; it’s my interpretation of this (the Dolp decal wasn’t in the end, particularly good so I had no option other than to paint it); if you close your eyes and squint a bit I might just be approaching a similarity(!)

Meanwhile, figure-work continues for both the M103 and the RU 251 and is, as always, labour-intensive.


The stowage is looking well all painted up and in place. I think your rendition of the camo is accurate- it adds a nice bit of visual interest to the more muted green tones of the other gear and the turret itself.

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This is really some fantastic work Brian! From your figure conversions to the sculpted ruck sacks and of course the tank itself, outstanding!

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Thanks Karl; I do tend to use slightly brighter colours than the original I’m taking it from as often the original is old, worn and therefore faded, whereas when of its time it would be quite fresh (or at least that’s my excuse!).


Thanks Richard 'still a few more figures but at last I feel I’m getting there.

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This is really coming along outstanding Brian and your whole work on this project is phenomenal. Great models.

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Thanks Matthew; just what I need to hear to get me over the line.

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I’m really enjoying watching these come along. Stowage looks great, too.

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Thanks Russel - the figures are slowing me down a bit but I’ll get there.


That turret really looks the part Brian, so much so it’s like I’m sure I can recall seeing Bundeswehr M103’s in some long forgotten Tankograd edition … I’m not dreaming am I?

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Hah! I do know what you mean Terry - I think the M103 sort of lends itself to being just that - a Bundeswehr equipment. But that’s still quite a compliment so thank you.

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Cool idea, and very good workmanship :slight_smile:
I look forward to follow your remaining work.

My own hypothetical IDF M103A2 project resides here: IDF M103A2

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Thanks Thomas; in a way it was your model which gave me the push to produce mine!


Gawd, ain’t it the truth that it’s the details that matter - but Jeez…

Headsets (foil, plastic rod/strip, and fuse wire), modified Uzi (Italeri), and a respirator (Milliput, plastic rod/strip).