What RLM green to use for Tamiya V1 (June '44)

Given the “first use” launch of the V1 is said to have been June of '44, I’ve got RLM 65 Vallejo air (71.255), but I’m not sure what RLM green to use for the top half. I came across this page which seems to suggest RLM 70, 71, 81 or 82 could have been possible.

Thanks! :thinking:

According to the Official Monogram Painting Guide for Luftwaffe aircraft 1935-1945 the first V-1 bombs were painted single upper surface color of RLM 70,71,72,73 over 65 or 74,75 over 76.Later the paint scheme shifted to a mottle effect while others incorporated a mix of styles due to the decentralized manufacturing.


Great thank you! I guess I’ll go with RLM 71 eventhough the first live use is said to be June '44.

How accurate do folks think Vallejo Air 71.015 Dark Green RLM 71 is? I’ve already got two bottles of this and three bottles of their Model Color 70.823 Luftwaffe Camo Green RLM 82 (and waiting on delivery of AK’s RLM 70 and 81).

That should be fine!