What the postman brought today (AeroScale)

I think it’s ok indeed, but you should have rotated the picture… :joy:
Have fun with both kits!
Peter :raising_hand_man:

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Looking at photos online, I think it’s a mistake on Italeri’s printing. Pretty much every photo I’ve seen shows white low-viz roundels on RAAF Hawks.
Not to worry, the company bird might make an interesting version.
I have seen that Airfix have a fairly new Hawk 100, which is no doubt more accurate than the Italeri. Might get that one as it is has some really good decal options included.

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Postman was here already again… keeping it up with the good old times of different carrier based planes!


ADF Serials -BAE Hawk 127 (adf-serials.com.au)

Some light reading :sunglasses:

Cheers, D

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Thanks Damian, I’m guessing that Italeri did the markings for ZJ632 in its pre-delivery markings?
The Airfix kit is looking a lot more tempting.

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Looks like it! If you click on the thumbnail for the ZJ632 aircraft it takes you to a gallery of images for that specific aircraft as well.

Hawk / Hawk-A27-01 | ADF Serials (adf-gallery.com.au)

Cheers, D


Yeah there is one photo that does look like the kit markings. Can’t quite tell if the roundel is black or dark grey though.

Who said I’m just an armour head lol…

This arrived today… Will also be getting the AK desert/sand cam panel liner, the AK modern IAF set, and the Quinta studio cockpit details… This is for the IDF build on Sept.


Love the F-16! Hands down all time favorite fighter. Really attractive scheme on the box art

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Which is handy as the very very non descript paint guide inside is very hit and miss…the sheet is in black and white and the paint shades are just tones of grey… Which all look the same lol.

That’s it … Only colour you can guess is the brown one, so that’s my base line for the box art :+1:

Sorry again for my absence. One week ago, I went to the sinsheim museum and could go inside both concorde and tupolev 144 without my fear of high coming in and there were loads of stuff there. I took both conocrde and tupolev 144 from revell, the tu 144 being done as the unachieved CCCP-77116, the decals allowing it and the concorde, a what if landor BA based on a travel agent model.

Me against the olympus engines

Outside and inside the tupolev 144

Inside concorde


Stunning pic of the Tu 144.

Saw this kit at my LHS the last several visits and never looked closer since I have this weird sense that Airfix kits are all old reboxes (getting back into this after 10+ yrs…this world has changed). Anyway…looked up reviews, saw it’s a 2019 tool, and decided I had to have it. Always loved the Tiger Moth.

Unfortunately one part was broken though the box was intact, so probably broken at the factory. Horizontal stabilizer bracing strut. Guess I’ll be reaching out to Airfix…


Looks cool I have to do a biplane one day. Probably a swordfish!

New tool airfix are generally nice

Biplanes have an undeniable “shelf appeal” that grabs your attention, IMO.

I know I won’t be happy with this one (or the Stearman) unless I do the rigging, so will probably be picking up one of the aftermarket sets for that.

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Nice looking Tiger Moth kit. Some of the new Airfix releases look nice. Was looking at their Avro Anson due for release this year as a new mold and looks really good. Definitely makes a difference knowing which are reboxes of their old kits and new releases.

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Here I go again…. Last night at IPMS was our annual “swap meet” meeting. Folks clear out their stashes a bit. Anyways I found a couple of items for dirt cheap…

first up was the old Aurora Breguet 14B kit

the kit decals are wasted, but there some Peddinghaus decals available that cost several times what I paid for this kit…

and then I found these decal sets- national insignia for B-24s, which will help out for the B-24 in my stash, (a 2 sheet set for dirt cheap again) and a partial set for Corsairs (for free due to its partial condition!)

I particularly liked one Corsair on the sheet because one, it’s a Goodyear produced FG-1A, built right up the road here at the old Goodyear plant here, and two, it’s from the battle of Pelilieu, so will be a great option for a WWII USMC ground support Corsair for one in my stash…


Speaking of that B-24 in your stash, I think there’s going to be a 4-engine bomber build next year…

Dammit… now you’ve put a B-24 bug in my ear… :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


Not my scale but I love this plane, so I had to buy it: