What the postman brought today (AutoModeler)

So many cool cars !!! Wow…

Have you started any of those ?

Not a single one of them yet :smiley:

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Are you planning to start any of those in a short time ( 6 months… ) ? :grin: :laughing: :smiley:

When visiting various automobile events, I always pay attention to buses. There is no rational explanation for this: I haven’t ridden them that much.

At some point, I wanted to have a model of one of them. In 1/35 scale, public transport is too big. I decided to try in 1/43. I bought a model of the most popular Soviet bus of the 1950s.

Not because it is a car from my childhood (I am a little younger), just because it was the cheapest model. I took it for a test: it is not my scale, not my subject area, the body is made of metal - the risk of ruining the model and the mood (and money) is very high.


Honda City Turbo
Tamiya 24369 1/24


A nice Petty car and extra decals.

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