Wheels of the Union Jack and Tricolore - Oct '21 to March '22

Ok, we have less than one month in the Group Build here so it’s time for an update and hopefully get some more involvement!

Score card - 3 completed, 2 in progress, 3 yet to fire up.

RDT1953 (Richard) - Lotus 49 (Tamiya kit in 1/12 scale) - COMPLETED
AussieReg (Damian) - Aston Martin DB5 (Doyusha kit in 1:24 scale) - COMPLETED
Rod_The-Fixer (Rod) - Lotus 49 1967 (Ebbro kit in 1/20) - COMPLETED

md72 (Mark) - Aston Martin DB5 (Airfix kit in 1/32) - body and interior paintwork commenced
forest1000 (David) - Citroen 2CV Charleston (Revell kit in 1/24) - box opened on the bench

cosimodo (Michael) - Bugatti (MFH kit in 1/12 scale I hope!)
Kpnuts (Ken) - Citroen Traction Avant (1/8 scale) or Fiat Mefistofeles (1/12 scale)
Littorio (Luciano) - TBA

It would be great to see some more builds join in, but it will be a mad rush to get completed.

Cheers, D

OK there’s another song in tonight’s efforts.

Mr. Finishing Surfacer 1500 Black On the body
Alclad II Black Base On the parts to be painted Alclad II chrome or stainless steel
Tamiya Black For the dash
Tamiya Flat Black Touch up on the bottom of the Chassis
Maybe I can shoot some lacquers tomorrow and get started on the assemblies. :wave:

Back in Black Back in Black - Google Search

Finally, spraying paint that isn’t black.

Some Alclad II Chrome and some Alclad II Stainless Steel. I’m amazed that the chrome paint looks so much better that the standard plated parts in other car kits. Mind you there are NO plated parts in this kit. :wave:

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Looking good Mark, really nice metallic finish!

It will be good to see one last build cross the line here, great to see you pushing on.

Cheers, D

Got the first color coat on. Needs a bit of sanding, but it looks a lot like a DB5 now.



Sanded the body down, just need to get it into the paint shop. Interior is finished, not that there’s much to it. And I’m not too sure that Mr. Bond is tall enough to drive it.

Need to get the tires painted. and then it’s off to final assembly. :wave:

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Aaallmost done.

Tack down the exhaust and a bit of panel lining and it’s over.

:cold_sweat: :wave:

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Done, done, done. Airfix 1/32 Aston Martin DB5.

Not the easiest build but it’s done at last.

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Well done Mark, those little kits can fight you all the way but you’ve got it sorted nicely!

It looks like the rear bumper was a bit narrow for the body profile, the LHS has split out a bit. Might be worth a drop of CA to stop it from breaking away there.

Thanks for joining in, great to have another completion in the Group Build just as the final flag drops.

Cheers, D

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