When the power strip is not enough

I started having a problem with my surge protector.
Many of the electrical items I use now have the transformer attached to the plug and you can’t fit any of those in adjacent plugs because they are to wide. I looked around to find a better solution.
And there it was.

Now I can fit all of those transformers together.

But you say I have more than just 4, OK get another and plug it into the first to expand the number of plugs.


I thought this was going to be another post about the girls in Southeast Asia…


:rofl: Ah sorry to spoil the fantasy.


Reminds me of a rat king

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Can you say “socket overload”? :thinking:

It does look interesting, although I haven’t got that many things in one place…


Top, your one more disc from have a Griswold special.


Careful with the daisy chain :fire:


I do not use all of these devices at once. I am just too lazy to plug and unplug every time I need to use it. The only two that are consistently on are two ott lights. The power hub is fed by a 4 foot, 14 gage cord. All of the items are low power. The advantage of this is you can get your transformer based plugs plugged in and don’t have to crawl around every time you want to use a tool.


No 220V version to be found…

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That’s a great item Top. I have that problem too, too many transformers and not enough actual plugs. Going to have to make a trip to Home Depot for one of these.


We typically run 1/2 power in the states. So most outlets are 110v. 220v is reserved only a few outlets that run things like hot water heater, stove etc.

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Around here 230 V is the low power outlet,
for high power we use 400 Volt.
We “upgraded” from 220/380 to 230/400 back in 1988


Most of the world uses 220/230 volt:


I wonder why all the variations.

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The variations in powerplugs is also large!

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I wonder where the idea for “face” emojis came from? :thinking:

Type K is my favourite…


Sweden has non-keyed plugs. This makes it a bit easier to connect plug mounted poer adapters (the “ruck-sack” part of them can protrude either side) but this is not the reason for us having that type.
I prefer the keyed variants, especially if the ground prong is longer than the others and makes contact first.

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That chart has a fault.
Sweden uses type F (ground prongs are the two white rectangles top and bottom), type C (being phased out, no ground prong) and a variant of Type N which does not have a ground prong

Face emojis came from the smiley face of the 60’s, which originated from the phenomenon Pareidolia - the science behind recognizing faces in random patterns.

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I interpret the chart as Sweden (and also the Netherlands) have type F and C. Type E is for France and Belgium…

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