So, I am an old Army mechanic that spent a good chunk of my career with the Engineers, and I am noticing that there are some gaps in the realm of engineering equipment. Now I’m posting this in the hopes that some of the missing vics have been kitted and I just don’t know about it. I also need to explain that I only build 1/35 modern US military so it’s a little of a narrow build field. So here is my list of what i think is missing:
M105 Duce
SEE Truck
Volcano Mine System
Most of the construction equipment
M60 Based AVLB
Bridge and boat variants of the HEMMT
this is what I see missing. Please feel free to correct or show me if I missed something.
Dragon just re-released their M60 AVLB, but it’s got dimensional problems, and accuracy issues but kinda’ looks the part.
Stock number is 3591 and it runs $80-90 if you shop around.
Or you if can find the ancient Hobby Fan resin M48 AVLB that’s better and adapt it to an M60 with a compressor bulge. Hobby Link Vietnam had a 3D printed AVLB, but it had the same problems as the Dragon.
As for the others, I dunno. There’s a Bundeswehr Scorpion mine launching system on an M548 that’s 3D printed and an impossible to find resin conversion, but that’s not a Volcano.
so being a ex armoured engineer , here are two Centurion AVREs i built this year. one with a Mk5 turret based on my old tank in early 70s with basket stowed on rear decks .
the other as a
the AVLB vehicles are usually big and they do not have big appeal for beginner modellers.
you can find some cheap realization in 1/72
some CEV Tanks are avaiable
Hobarts Funnies
Most of the Sherman & Churchill Variants are available as kits from AFV Club or conversions by Accurate Armour, Resicast or LANMO Model
Most recent are the Sherman MK1 Crab Sherman M1A1 Dozer from LanMo
Don’t forget those done by Newlands Models of British armoured Engineer vehicles, I think the Bridgelayers and AVLBs will be covered over the next two years