Which F6F?

Which 1/32 F6F would you recommend? Hasegawa and Trumpeter are the two I have found so far.

Depends on what you want for your project.

Hasegawa gives you a basic plane without a lot of options for interior, wingfold, etc.

The Trumpeter kit gives you all those options out of box.

There is also the issue that the Trumpeter is a bit thick in cross-section where it shouldn’t be but that most of the rest is acceptable and better detailed than the Hasegawa. Some people try to mash-up the two into one good plane. I built the Trumpeter night fighter version and if I hadn’t been told about the fuselage issue I might never have known until I had study the IRL plane more – I am mostly armor.

However, I won the Hasegawa in a Christmas lottery years ago that came with a resin cockpit and Eduard PE so I’ll be able to compare side-by-side before long.

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