Why I Hate working with White Paint T-38C

I Really Hate working with White Paint, BUT I also really wanted to build this T-38C Talon in the white trainer version. So I started out trying to airbrush it. But after a little more than 2 and a half coats. It still looked dingy and part of the forward cockpit section ( exterior) was not looking right either, some of the bottom part as well…SO I did something I haven’t done in a Really long time…I painted it by hand. Finally now it looks right. So now I can start adding the landing gear. I’m building it with the canopy’s open. So I’m building painting them separately. I have to go back and touch up paint the nose part ( black)


And Now I just realized that I am missing a part that I know I had glued down. It’s the console piece that’s missing in this picture. I’ve looked all around the room and it’s no where to be found. So. Do I contact Trumpeter for the replacement part or do I scrap the whole thing and buy another one and start over again. Anyone ? What would you do ?

Did you vacuum clean after you saw that console piece the last time?
If you did then it’s time for VCBA (Vacuum Cleaner Bag Autopsy).
If not then it is time to clean and inspect the whole work area, including
lifting and moving all equipment, shelves, trays, paint can holders et.c.

I lost and scratchbuilt the front bench seat for an Sd.Kfz.7 many years ago.
One week after I had finished the kit I had to move my compressor and found
the original seat, hiding under the compressor.

I’m glad brush painting solved your problem. In the future, adding a drop of blue to the white paint helps, whether brush painting orair brushing. And it helps keep the color vibrant for far longer.

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Next time that you airbrush on white, first put down a a coat of Tamiya White Primer, either their rattle can, or Liquid Primer thinned and airbrushed. You will get the most vivid white topcoat over that stuff.

As far as looking for the missing console part, try looking at your masking material… it may have pulled the part up during removal.

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I did all of That. So it’s really frustrating. I have not vacuumed the room though so I know it’s not in that. I’ve set it aside and sent out a request to Trumpeter for a replacement. Waiting to hear back. But it seems like it would just be easier to to order a new order and start over.

WOW. I didn’t know about that. Thanks. I will definitely do that if I end up redoing this project. wished I had known that before.

Thanks I will definitely do that next time.

For every problem there’s a solution. Just not the one you were thinking of…


LOL. YEP that’s definitely not what I would need.

In the end this kit got scrapped. as a couple of other problems cropped up namely the cockpit build part that messed up the whole project, The Good news is. I have a replacement now and I am starting to build it. Hopefully this one will go together without any issues.

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That’s what I do, when I build a model in my vacations and do not have any paints with me…

That part will be inside the fuselage and the glue set just right.

Could be. That one was scrapped anyway, hopefully it won’t be repeated a second time.

Perhaps a stupid question but did you prime the model before applying the white?

I used a black primer.

Black (gloss) primer is ideal for metal coating

Grey is the most useful in most cases because most plastic is grey and grey primer hides most errors, putty, paint the easiests in most cases

for a white top coat best to use white primer or light grey primer

for a yellow top coat, use white primer or pink primer (yes, i am not joking)

at least this is my humble experience :slight_smile: