Wie hab' ick das verpasst?

Ones, I listen a lot of, is Kraft Werk, and jean Michel jarre, Jefferson airplane, latest is fat boy slim, moby, Alanis Morissette.

O, and some 1812, Gustav.


A friend of mine back in the '80’s used to go around trying to convince folks that the lyric was actually,
“Eat me, I’m a danish.” He received a lot of blank stares, almost got slapped across the face once, but was generally unsuccessful in his campaign. BUT, it amused him to no end.

Thius is all good stuff. I know what the German top ten was in '87. '86 as well. But was was the name of some of the angry Prole music you might hear in some of the techno clubs in Berlin? I heard a lot of it but had no idea who did it.

If you haven’t gotten slapped acrosss the face, an Article 15, or a speeding ticket on a deserted highway for doing over 105 mph, you’ve been coloring within the lines too much.


Any song by the group Berlin? :upside_down_face:

i remember my dad saying ’ if you don’t drink, don’t smoke and don’t hax sex, you might live to be 100 but the boredom is gonna make it feel like it"

I’m currently listen to “the doors” having just read john densmore’s book ‘riders on the storm’. I’m now reading the guitarists book which has a lot more humour in it.

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My Cpl set me up at the eclub for slap. Good thing I was already three sheets when I asked the question. It was the appropriate response.

I think it also happened in TJ, Jose was lying to me. Again appropriate response.

I think I am seeing a trend. :rofl:

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When I was in Germany Bonny M was popular. Maybe you remember this

I’m sure that may have been quite popular, just not at the places I hung out. I remember Grace Jones being played once in a while though.

Well, this was the 70’s.

To borrow a great line from Die Hard: Dude, I was still in high school then!

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