Wingnut Wings 1/32 Albatros DVa

Just finished this - a beautiful kit but the lozenge decals are terrible and sucked a lot of the joy out of it . Poor adhesion , unresponsive to solvents, constant lifting at edges , blah , blah, blah . Should have gotten the Aviattic set . Live and learn .
Fuselage done with HGW laser cut set . Fit of some panels great , some not so great .
Rigging done with .007 hard stainless wire for flying and landing wires and .005 for control lines . Thanks for looking!


Despite your issues, it looks great. :+1:

Amazing how nice it looks. I have been looking at this kit and It is a go now that I see how well it can be built.

Looks brilliant!

When I did their Rumpler, I read of a trick to use a hairdryer to get the lozenge decals to shrink onto the surface. Worked a treat!
Still need to do the final assembly and rigging.

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Thanks all for the compliments. I’ll certainly try the blow dryer trick with some scrap decals on spare parts .
@TopSmith - I strongly encourage considering an Aviattic set if you get one of these Albatros kits . Beyond the problematic WnW lozenges the Aviattic sets include the rib tapes all around edges which is correct. The WnW decals provide the tapes separately which you must apply individually- a chore and no options for the curved wingtips and scalloped trailing edges.

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Stunning work!

Thanks Bryan !
I just noticed in the first photo that the radiator pipe has dropped away from the radiator- pilot likely won’t appreciate scalding water . I’ll have to ground it until I can fix it .

Richard it looks great! I especially like the wood effect on the fuselage, and as the others have said, you wouldn’t have known about the lozenge issues if you had not mentioned them. Is there another WnW kit in the works?


Thanks Michael - If you look closely at the trailing edges, lower wing in particular you can see how tattered the lozenges look . This is after numerous repairs. With the difference in color between upper and lower lozenges it means 10 different colors to mix to match for touch up. I did it once then gave up . I was able to repair the lozenges in the fields where needed by overlay patching with scraps of decals .
I have two more WnW kits in the stash - Fokker D VII and Sopwith Camel . Also have Copper State Models Bristol Scout. The Copper State kit looks to be every bit as nice as the WnW kits .
Don’t know what’s next - mojo a bit low at the moment .
Cheers- Richard

Well, to cheer you up you can send me that pesky D VII and that will reduce your stress by a third!

You are too kind Greg !