Wip M10 Booker

WIP on my M10 Booker

For size comparison the M10 next to a M1A2 SEP V.2


Wow looks great so far


Thanks but i wont be messing with the 900 plus parts for the tracks i found that the 1 piece tracks from Academy’s K9 thunder fit the drive sproke

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Oh wow ok. No aftermarket tracks out there yet?

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There are quite a few options for proper T161 tracks.


Nick, looks great!

What’s your impression of how the vehicle part of the kit built up?


I used to used those for Bradleys way back before we had T161 tracks available. I still have several unused sets, but they worked well.
Your M10 is looking good.


they give you 2 options for the barrel once multi piece plastic and a metal one but you have to add the bore evacuator and muzzle i was intially going to use the plastic one because the weight of the metal barrel tend to cause it to depress so iwas going to use the plastic one but the parts didt fit right so it was to the metal barrel other tan that smooth sailing on the assembly 3 of the clear parts for the head light assmebly are dam near invisible you loos one you will never find it again the CITV is identical to the one on the Abrams X as for the paint scheme not sure how ill paint it most likely over all NATO green or NATOflage or maybe even that new scheme NATO gree and OD that on the M1A2 SEP V.3 of the 3rd ID and put 73rd armored regiment of the 82Nd AB DIV eschelon makes a nice set for the Sheridan thats perfect for the M10

Care has to be taken when you remove the rear part of the bustle rack removing from the sprue resulted 3 of the rails breaking off luckily i has some scrap handy thats close in size


Anyone happen to know what the candleabra looking this is
Also those new antennas that are now seen on the Abrams would be appropriate for the M10

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Folks who know will chime in, but Imma guess that’s a set of microphones for detecting shot directions. Big cities use them too.

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The only place iv seen it was in pics of hummvees and MRAPs in Afghaistan and Iraq

PILAR V gunshot detector; there’s a picture of it on Wikipedia.

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Very nice,and thanks for the heads-up

i found these pics of what i believe is the production variant of the M10 look at the stowage bin on the right side also notice the different side skirts

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