Coming along nicely. The .50 cal case looks good.
Hi Sean, Hi Geno,
thank you, guys for your nice comments!
And thanks a lot for watching.
Rack time!!!
At the left rear part of the command vehicle, you can find an electronic rack.
The rack I built is a kind of compromise. Before I started the building, I had viewed some pictures of this rack. Well, mostly everyone showed different configurations. So at the end, I decided to built it the way I did.
The rear was refined with items from the M1129 Mortar kit, by Trumpeter.
After that I drew my attention to the right inner side.
Everything I mentioned before about the left side rack, was the case with the other side, as well: It came once more to a compromise.
To get the right dimensions of the rack, I started with the M13A1 Gas Particular Filter Units. I used the items from M1129 kit, but, at the command vehicle, they were aligning on top of each other.
After I figured out the space that was left for the rack, I calculated the width of every section for the rack and started to build.
Again there is not much to see from the interior through the hatches, even although they will be left open.
Finally I made some pictures through the opening of the rear ramp, and …., I have to say, I like this few.
That is looking great. Can’t wait to see it painted and filled with gear.
Not a real fan of interiors but I do enjoy seeing all the nice scratch work. Shaping up nicely.
This is looking very nice. Keep building and posting.
Thank you guys, appreciate your comments.
I am now working on the different radios,… it`s a bit complicated.
Great job on the interior scratch build.
Thank you, Ralph!
Good motivation to continue! ………
The racks must be filled with radios!!!
But what kind of radios?
I spent some days looking for information round about the radios in use with the Stryker Retrans; just to find out I can’t find special information’s regarding the Retrans. Yet I found some interesting photos and description about radios on “normal” command Strykers.
Based on this data, I tried to build two RT-1523 radios within a VAA mount (AN/VRC-92 radio system. I hope this type designation is correct?).
Starting with the RT-1523 radios:
I made them from styrene profiles (dimensions: W = 4 mm, H = 2.5 mm and D =7 mm).
This was followed by the VAA mount. Once more with styrene profiles (dimensions: W = 11.5 mm, H = 5.5 mm and D = 9.5 mm).
To make the AN/VRC-92 radio system complete, both of the two RT-1523 radios were installed in the VAA mount.
And here, mounted within the left side rack.
Well, more radios to come!
Hallo Peter,
ich glaube nicht, das man vom Retrans Bilder vom Innenraum bekommt. Am besten Du orientiert Dich am normalen M1130.
Es gibt US Funkgeräte in Resin und zwar von MR Modellbau
Blast Models
Trumpeter includes an ASIP SINCGARS radio in kis MLRS kits. it measuresW/H/D 12,5 mm x 6,5mm x
9,7 mm.
A guy on Shapeways has several modern US radois in his datasets.