Wow you've got a great figure!

Looking really good, Lazarus. Exceptional use of acrylics. Hope I can learn some of that in here. :man_artist:

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Thanks Mike, maybe a bit late for this one but, I’ll try and put together a SBS on shading & highlighting with acrylics for the next one, if anyone’s interested.


I for one would appreciate it

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Yeah, I think it’s safe to most people are interested in a SBS. :+1:


About working with resin…

So I’m cleaning up my two Alpine figures. There is a fair bit of work cleaning of seam lines. In most places I need to do that with an x-acto blade rather than sanding. For resin figures like this, is it dangerous to sand? I’ve read from a lot of ship modellers working in resin that they only sand wet and only wearing a mask. Need I take the same precautions for working with these?

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To be honest, Phil, the amount of resin dust generated from cleaning up seam lines on a 1/35 figure will be negligible. Chances are, the ship modellers work with large amounts of resin, which would be detrimental if inhaled. Add in that you probably do it at arms length anyway and I’d say you’re pretty safe. I’ve been doing it for years and not had any issues. End of the day, it’s a personal choice. You might want to invest in a set of diamond needle files though. Much easier than sanding.

I have a set of diamond needle files! I use them on PE. I will try them on the resin fig.

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Go very lightly with them at first! If you use too much pressure, you can remove a lot o material before you know it. Might be best to practice on some old pouring blocks or similar.

@Panzer_modeler what’s it like being young?

FINALLY got your markings shipped out Ezra. I sent you CADPAT AR, plus all the shoulder patches. Can’t wait to see how your figs turn out!


base color


I am also thinking about such a scene- “Keep smiling SEAL’s” .Could it be for fun?


OK. Let’s talk replacement weapons and hands in 1/35. My German soldier has a Gewehr 43 in his hand. I’m not keen on that as an option - I mean, it’s fine, but I’d rather just a simple mauser.

(Looking at him, his ammo pouches look like Mauser ammo pouches, but perhaps they used the same for both the Gewehr and the mauser (no references near to hand)).

I see that hornet makes some separate hands in 1/35. I’m wondering if it’s worth it to use already done hands or just to sculpt them onto the weapon? I don’t think I could do a face, but I imagine I could make a pretty decent looking hand.

Thoughts? Experience?


Try Historex Agents. They stock literally loads of 1/35 resin hands. They have Hornet, Figurinitaly and their own brand. Just do a search on their site. As for the 98k, you won’t do much better than a Gen2 offering from DML.

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@ phil2015, I’ll be using both Hornet Heads and some of their Hands on my ‘AT Gun Crew’ within this campaign. Since I’m no sculptor, I’ve resorted to using HH on several figure poses where OOB was just not an option — like when grasping rifles, steering wheels, grab-handles, etc. That said, some kit hands are perfectly fine. It really depends on the pose you’re trying to achieve.

Here are the sets that Hornet has to offer: HH01… HH02… HH03… HH04

HANDS01 . HANDS02 . HANDS03 . image

Note: Here in the US, Hornet Hands take quite awhile from the time of purchase to the time they knock on your door. HTH.



Thanks. I have a bunch of dragon weapons left over from things. Will find historex.

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If using Hornet, I have ordered for Ultracast on this side of the pond.

Just giving another option.


I worked with a guy nicknamed “pinhead” because his head was the 1/1 version of a 1/35 head on a 1/24 body.


Well, I actually got a little work done this morning on my intended project. I am going to use the figure with the flare gun from this set that I reviewed a few years back. I assembled it for the review, but I need to break it down and do some work on it.


Broke him down so that I could do the clean-up work, seam line and flash removal, as well as some gap filling. managed to break the binoculars and the MP40. So off to the spare parts to replace them. Thinking of maybe giving him a PPSH-41 submachine gun instead of an MP40 submachine gun, just to change it up a bit. Having a hard time getting the helmet to come off of his head. Might have to break it off in pieces and replace it with another one.

Anyway, I going to see what I can do with this figure. if I don’t like the way it is going, I will dig something else out and start with it. Guess we will see.

Randy :slight_smile:


That looks really cool and they all kind of mesh together. Years ago, it was really hard to get so many modern 1/35 US SOF figures into a scene like this, but fortunately now, a few vendors make these figures very well.

This figure campaign is looking amazing!