Wrapped up Tarhe

Challenging due to size and awkward to handle. The kit really goes together well. Tried canopy precut masks for first time and was pleased. My only issue was having to dig out a decal that would obscure a glue screwup in the window for the winch operator.:weary:. Realized after that I should have looked at pictures I took for the correct placement of the 101st plus they were not quite accurate anyway.

FYI it’s 2’X2’. I’ll hang it.


Big model, looks good.

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Looks great. Good job on it.

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That looks great,many say it’s a real bear of a kit.

About 700 parts I hear but not all that intimidating considering some of the microscopic parts in AFV kits. This from someone who is still holding off on any kit where you have to build the tracks.


Nice floor also.