WWII British Sniper (120 mm) from Jeff Shiu

Jeff Shiu’s Minaitures announced new kit:
WWII British Sniper
Scale: 120 mm
Material: resin

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Hello! Isn’t it a mistake to stick the rifle out like this? If he backed off half a meter, he would be conceled much better, wouldn’t he?
Have a nice day

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Not sure his ‘firing platform’ would be much use either- seems like it would be wobbly. I’m not sold on the helmet- as worn it is very close to the sight- I can’t imagine having the helmet knocking the sight while trying to line up a shot would be helpful.

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I know I would be curious if I looked up and saw the end of a rifle barrel poking out of a window, wiggling around a bit as if held by someone unseen.

I might wonder if there was a sniper up there and perhaps toss a grenade in to check.

His whole position is sketchy. Why not stand with the rifle braced against the side of the window frame and the barrel just barely poking out? Looks like he was designed by someone who has no idea what a sniper does and has not actually seen any in action. He is in a good braced crouch position, but teetering on the box would negate and effect the braced position gives.


I completely agree; whilst WW2 snipers may not have been the invisible lethal Ninjas of today, the figure just lacks realism, in both stance and details. Even early iterations of Ghillie suits were available:

Helmet? Unlikely, and besides, the contours look slightly off to me, just a bit more WW1-ish if you like. The unsecured water-bottle is a mystery, or rather, as to how it’s secured. It could, just, be threaded through a web belt which I cannot discern; and snipers - even back then I’m sure - would arrange their kit as they saw fit

Here’s quite a well-known pic of a Canadian sniper:

As always, if a photo emerges, I’ll get back in my box(!)


Having the weapon protrude is not the ideal positioning, but it was done.

This guy is better, but as you can see, the more concealment you give yourself the smaller field of view you have. My favorite answer when some young officer would ask me something: “METT-TC dependent, sir.”


Well, a photo has emerged; one which I found quite by chance:

Back to my box I go!


Luckily, he is not teetering on a rickety box though.

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True, true.

Hah! We never got the full picture - or I didn’t; he’s actually standing. see:

I see a couple of people mentioned the drop in the quality of Jeff’s work recently. Still looks nice although at the price of these less clean-up would be expected.

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That looks close to being bone on bone. Not ideal either.