X-Model: M4A1 w/T1E3 Mine Exploder | Armorama™

New 1/35 M4A1 w/T1E3 Mine Exploder from X-Model. The T1E3 will be available separately as well.

This is partial text from the full article (usually with photos) at https://armorama.com/news/x-model-m4a1-w-t1e3-mine-exploder

Never heard of X-Model. And a figure of Aunt Jemima? Very interesting

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The figure is small and made of plastic so don’t get your hopes, or anything else, up :wink: :grin:


I’m not alergic to plastic so that’s a start lol….


Looks very similar to the Pig Model kit. Is X-model a company or rebranding?

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This was announced about a month ago. It is the Pig model mine exploder. Not sure who they sourced the tank from.

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Scalemates says the Pig Model used Asuka sprues.

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Asuka sprues of Sherman, no doubt

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Well, definitely curious to see this thing shape up- there’s some good material to work with from the US trying to crack the Siegfried Line (around Metz or something IIRC?) that this will be good for.

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I guess no one told them that Aunt Jemima has been canceled in the U.S.A.


Was she canceled or was it the exploitation of her?
Asking for a friend
:wink: :grin:

How do you exploit a fictional character?

It’s about as difficult as cancelling one :grin:

She was easily cancelled; the company removed her likeness.

Family members of the models used in advertising over the years have criticized the removal and have attempted to sue the company, but Pepsico has lots of money.

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It already is — I bought it direct from Pig Models last year. Now all I need to do is get round to building it, and before that, buying a suitable tank to stick it to the front of. However, moulding quality looks very good, and if you already have an appropriate M4A1, it comes with the decals for the “Aunt Jemima” markings that you also get in this combi-kit, should you want to make one of the trials vehicles instead of an actual service one in Europe. And, of course, that rather pointless resin figure of the thing’s namesake.

I’m doubtful about the serrated rollers, though. Without Hunnicutt’s Sherman at hand, if I recall correctly they’re simply wrong — the instruction say it’s a T1E5 with those rollers, but IIRC it isn’t, because that had different dimensions.


I like how they did the chain. That’s going to look good.


If you’re doing the demo tanks with this markings you also need to add the cast-in armour plates on the hull sides.


Friggin awesome!
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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Now I am at my books, I’ll look up the serrated roller thing, hang on …

Aha, page 459 of Sherman by Hunnicutt:

The mine exploder T1E5 was a further development of the T1E3. The number of discs was increased from five to six (…). The discs were 2-1/2 inches [6.4 cm] thick by 72 inches [1.83 m] in diameter and their serrated edges improved the traction on rough ground.

Just the increased number of discs means you can’t make a T1E5 by fitting the serrated discs, but the T1E3’s discs were also much bigger at 96 inches (2.44 m) in diameter.

However, the same page in the book has a photo of a five-disc mine roller with large discs that have serrated edges, captioned:—

At the right is a T1E3 fitted with discs having serrated edges. In some sources, this equipment has been incorrectly identified as the T1E6.

It doesn’t say what it is, though, nor are the serrated discs mentioned in the main text. However, I suspect this is the one Pig Models used for the second set of discs included in the set/kit. The tank in the photo is a welded-hull vehicle (I suspect an M4, as I can’t make out the rests for the M4A3’s engine hatches) with small driver’s hatches, a full set of appliqué armour (hull sides, glacis and turret cheek), an M34A1 gunshield, a two-hatch commander’s cupola, a gun travel lock on the glacis, and sand shields fitted (except the front section, because that would get in the way for the chain drive to the roller). The presence of the sand shields makes me suspect this is in the USA.