Here are the leFH18 and SdKfz11 with the dunkelgrau and some basic modulation done prior to the DAK colour which will be worn away a fair bit. Not much insightful to say as both are fairly standard builds and just augmented with photoetch.
The engine bay is open on both sides so I added an engine from SKP which you can see here. SKP Model SKP 056 Maybach HL42 Engine set for AFV Club Sd.Kfz.11
The SdKfz11 will have a canopy, well half a canopy, which was a saga in itself. The one from PanzerArt does not fit this version of the SdKfz11 from AFV and only probably fits their Nebelkraftwagen version. There is no information related to which version it is for that I could find. It is too wide for the standard version.
So, I cut it in half along its length and crossways, cut out the middle section to fit and rebuilt it as a shorter version. The door cab coverage also needed to be modified.
Anyway, primed…
Needed a change from building vehicles and have roughly finished the DAK artillery crew. Puttying gaps is next. Most are figures from a Trumpeter set and a couple cobbled together from spares.
Not so strange just less common, I think. Reference images from period film such as these are why I chose a mix of headwear for the crew. No problem. Makes for interesting figures, too.
point taken, though the film was made for publicity purposes, and the virtual universal disdain for the pith helmets in memoirs and diaries as well more candid pictures show them worn infrequently.
I don’t really agree they were being worn merely because they were being filmed for propaganda reasons. They may have gone out of use because of being unpopular but there are a fair few images of them in normal use early on across various units.
Latest progress on greenery in right corner. Based on a reference photo, I created a small, sandy rise with an old ground well system, just for fun and variety. I will add dust pigments and also trees as per the reference.