1/35 M35A1 Quad gun truck

Thanks guys!

even though it may be too late, the ammo boxes and the weapons (E.G. the M16 and the M79)
would look a bit better if painted- unless I just can’t see that they are!

Yah they arent painted yet as I was just placing them to see if I liked the layout. They will 100% be painted though before I add them to the finished model…which still has a way to go.


Ok guys I know its been awhile but Ive gotten a bit of work done on “Nancy” and shes close to the finish line.

Still a bit more to do though!


Its looking real good as is…looking forward to seeing it finished!

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Excellent job there, taking down notes for when I start mine.

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Looking great Ezra. The trailer/gun base came out great. Weathering looks good too.

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Looking excellent as always Ezra!

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Hi Ezra, That’s an outstanding job on the weathering! Looks just right IMHO.


Thanks guys!
I got the wire on the winch (?) done today.

Doesn’t look perfect but I can live with it.

Chris (@Chris_Bryan) also agreed to cast me rows of .50 cal ammo cans to line the sides of the gun bed. So that will look awesome.


I am working those up with some other stuff and will have it soon … The truck looks really good

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No rush Chris!

I just bought these goodies from Sprue Brothers to (hopefully) add some interest to the finished build.

Im planning on showing the truck as it would look coming back from a patrol, so a few ammo cans will be empty and there will be some empty shell casings scattered next to the quad and M60’s.

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How many bags of shell casings did you get, cause that’s enough for just one trigger pull on each gun if individual. Myself, I would want to make the weapons cleaning more worth it then one pull.

I only got one bag (25 casings) cuz the bed will mostly stuffed with ammo cans so I dont want to over do the effect.

I was unhappy with the painted look the mirrors had so I cut out and glued on some tin foil. ( Im to cheap to buy BMF) I think it looks much better.


I get that and it’s your model. Each .50 box ammo holds hundred rounds. So only a quarter of one can. Looks like 40mm cans you have mounted. 25 casings would be a drop in the bucket so to speak.

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Hi Ezra, The rear-views look great!:mirror: As you’ve shown, well-coordinated raids on the kitchen for foil is always a good idea. :ninja:



Ezra . I dont buy the high priced foil either and when I did in the past it was a colossal let down .
You my friend are walking in the footsteps of model building giants from the past by choosing to find solutions to problems . Yes you are filling those footsteps quite well


Don’t go giving the kid a swelled head now Chris.


The kid is doing a good job . When he gets to big for his britches we can just shove him into a big model box and ship him off to bigheadastan


:grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: Hahaha Okay okay that’s a deal.


If we fold him small enough we can use a smaller box and save on postage.