1/35 M4 Grizzly with 17 pdr

Canadian tanks of the time would have likely been SCC No.15 a shade similar to OD but a little different

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Thanks Mead!
I knew someone would come through with the info!

Im currently working on a profile for the What if markings and I thought “Maybe the turret was a different color as it wasn’t part of the original tank…”
Does this seem possible?

If it was put into service it may have been repainted the same color of may not of depending on expediently it was required. Fireflies for example were fully repainted SCC 15 but they did the conversions prior to D-Day and that was the first time they were used so they had time to paint them all correctly

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Huh, the Grizz Fireflys were only used in Canada to evaluate the 17 pdr. and never saw action so it may have been repainted then.

Me thinks it was probably painted the same color then.

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Ok thanks that makes my life way easier then. :laughing:

Now all I need to worry about are the Canadian WWll markings which I know virtually nothing about…

Luckily I have this picture from the Armored Acorn decal set, which gives me a idea of what Grizz’s from Bordon and Meaford looked like.

Okay so I’ve made a drawn up a marking guide and I think it looks pretty good.

I simply chopped and added various profiles to get one of a Grizz Firefly then added the correct serials and stuff.

This will make my life way easier when it comes around to marking time.

EDIT: I realized my original profile was missing the vison cupola and the travel lock should be missing so here is the revised version with it added.


Not sure what paints you have Ezra, but this is a mix for SCC 15 in Tamiya:
Mix: 5 pts XF61 + 2 pts XF62 + 2 pts XF3.

A fraction more XF3 matt yellow will give you a bit more of a ‘to scale’ effect.

I have used this mix many times. It is one of Mike Starmer’s colour mixes for British & Commonwealth vehicles.

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Thanks Peter!
I have alot of Tamiya paints so this is perfect.
(I am slowly trying to transition to AMMO paints as I love how they airbrush.)

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Been following, its looking good.

Ammo is good but I have fallen in love with AK Real Color. Its like Tamiya but lots more options.

Thanks John!

Rory I’ll have to buy a few more AK real colors and try them out!
(with the proper thinner this time… :wink:)

Using @petbat Peter’s mix I was able to come up with a color I’m happy with. Of course it will change with filters and washes but I’m happy with the base color.

Speaking of filters what would be the best color for it? Brown? Dark green?

Also once again I will be using a set of Autoloader decals for the correct 1945 color scheme.


Looks very good with the basecoat on…looking forward to your weathering and decal work!

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Thanks alot Joe!
The marking will be fun as they will mostly be stencil masks.

Nice coming to life!

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Thanks Dave!

Just added a quick dry brushing over the whole model for highlights as well as to serve as barley visible scratches. ( will still be adding brush and sponge applied chips.)
That’s about as much as I can do before I get the marking. Although I guess I could start chipping the lower hull.


If you are happy with the colour, why use a filter?

But what colour to use all depends on what hue you want to imbue the paint. If it were me I would use a green to try add some depth. Its not a wash so it will be a very subtle effect.

I think you also need to add weld beads or filler to the outside of the dry stowage panels. I can see visible gaps between them and the hull.

Not trying to be critical, it just popped out and caught my eye.

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Ooh yah your right, I just looked at some photos and there isnt a gap. I will try to add some weld beads now.

Filter depends on the look you want. Were it me I would use a yellow green filter to lighten it up a bit, knowing that the weathering process will make everything darker. But, as Rory said if you are happy with it then stick with what you have.

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