1/35 Pearson Barbadian mine roller …Take 2

Greetings all after my Jackal this is a project that’s been on the back burner for 3 years…I wanted to build the Barbadian roller for a while however as usual information was scarce and although pictures are available the detail is not .After contacting the company I received a polite email saying no… however persistence has paid off they eventually agreed to provide some information…
So I’m scratch building the roller which will be attached to the British Husky TSV .

This is the front mounting plate which is vehicle specific.


Nothing like getting put on some Govt watch list for the Hobby… :joy:
Been there done that…
Good job and I’m looking forward to seeing the rest of the build.


Moving swiftly on


Building the main unit …the tube at the front will b the carrier for the wheel unit which has the ability to move in and out as required.


Lots going on with this now interior doors detailed with working emergency light.radios added and wired in extra kit fitted for the additional add on antenna system.


We are moving on with this now all the exam antenna mounts wired up

The 50 cal was re detailed as the Accurate Armour version is soft and lacking in parts.
Rear ecm mount built . Rear off side compartment opened up ready for the contents
Doors outer and mirrors added and the new mirror added over the front crew door


Ambitious :+1:
:clap: :clap:



That reminds me - apropos of not very much at all; during my first posting in a Corps HQ in Germany, the Corps Commander held a study day. This meant that nearly every Lieutenant Colonel and above, in the whole of BAOR would attend.This would be around 1972. I was a co-worker with the Intelligence section, one of who was quite an accomplished model maker. A series of models were required to be built to support the intelligence aspect of the study day.

My modelling days weren’t too far behind me (I realised that due to the inherent fragility of the hobby I’d probably have to put it on hold for around 22 years while I pursued my military career!) so I threw my hat into the ring. The Intelligence Section took me up on the idea and I was tasked with producing a model of a T-55 with the KMT-4 mine plough. For this the only game in town was this, now ancient, Tamiya kit:


Borrowing some tools from my Intelligence Corps colleague, I beavered away in the office on several Saturday mornings (the barrack room back then being not very conducive to much at all apart from fighting and squabbling, sleeping, polishing and cleaning, and on occasion, brokering deals with ones comrades when, ahem, entertaining the fairer sex; the latter situation completely passing me by of course; I was only 17 and didn’t really know which way was up).

So it was, using whatever really I could find, card - as in real card - not the plastic variety, some plastic tubing which I think came off discarded fountain pen ink cartridges, and hacked up chunks of sprue. In the end I produced a more or less decent rendition of the vehicle, finishing it in a Humbrol olive green; the thing is, as the Intelligence Section provided me with reference photographs, which were classified secret, my model was deemed to be secret too, and was afforded the same bureaucratic procedures and storage as a classified document!

There was one other task which came my way: a unique East German armoured engineer vehicle had been spotted up near the Inner German Border, the Section’s RAOC photographer scrambled in a helicopter to photograph it, and “Yes” it was me folks who had to build it. I baulked at tackling this in 1:35, so opted for a Roco Minitanks T-54 as the base kit. The real thing must have been based on the ZSU-57-2 chassis as it only had 4 road-wheels per side. There was an armoured, shaped superstructure which again, I fashioned out of cardboard, a mine roller (for which I used curtain hanging attachments), and a few other details which I now forget. Again, this was classified secret(!)

As I say, nothing really to do with being monitored by the government, but it’s the only time any of my models have been thus classified! Come the Study Day, I was mortified to be denied access (where as the Int Sect obviously were all part and parcel, some even wearing Sov kit), plus I was only a lowly Private. However, my direct boss, a Royal Signals Major insisted I be allowed to attend.

It was quite gratifying when a US Army officer congratulated me on my builds.

Apologies for the hijack, but it just triggered a memory of a classified model build!


Very nice !

I have a question about the particular mount of the british army 50 cal machine gun.

What is the interest of the frame and the lever ?This big lever seems to be an obstruction for the gunner according several pictures.

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The long bar which comes out to the rear goes onto the shoulder of the gunner

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No problem at all mate …

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Nicely done so far…



Very nice! I was following your progress on Facebook group, I’m amazed with all the details you are adding to your Husky. Saving the images for reference.



Most kind mate thank you

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Moving ever closer to the finish line…




Great story Brian! I believe an American modeler by the name of Cookie Sewel did something similar to what you did by building a Soviet Tank- I think it was a T-64- not sure- and having to show it to a group of high ranking officers. He was an intel Sgt I think, this was in the 80s. I only remember part of his story; it was at an AMPs convention in Virginia many years ago over dinner with a bunch of other tread heads. Apparently he told me that Colin Powell picked up or handled the model and broke it, again not entirely sure, my memory is a little fuzzy.