I would prefer the less expensive “Minitank” kind of model but everything is on the table! Looking for short barreled and Firefly Sherman types and also Churchills.
Thanks for any help guys!
Hi J
I’m a 1/72 scale armor model builder and have a hard time finding new or unusual kits here in Canada, so I source a lot of my kits from Europe or Asia. For 1/87 scale models, I have used Y-Modelle and Panzerfux in Germany. Tracks and Troops in the Czech Republic and Hobby Easy in Hong Kong are two of my go to shops for 1/72 kits. Milicast in the U.K. make some nice !/76 scale resin models, but they are pricey. I’m sure there are some good shops in the U.S., but exchange rates between the U.S. dollar and the Canadian dollar, and high shipping costs to Canada, usually keep me from perusing those options, so I can’t help you there. Hope this helps, there aren’t to many of us Braille Scalers out there, we are a rare breed.
Good Intel for sure. Thank you Sir!
Braille scale is always more popular in Britain and Europe. Try Hannants. Also try Braille Scale Discussion Group - Missing-Lynx