2023 IPMS USA Nationals

Did you get to see the Alamo’s basement?

Wow! That’s 4000 km just for a model show? :astonished: Or did you connect the trip with vacations?
The furthest I drove for a model show so far is 600 km …

I like the photo of the Finnish Air Force :finland: These guys flew about everything they could get their hands on!
Thanks for the report. Great to see other shows across the water … :ocean:

PMC Kurpfalz, Mannheim, Germany

Of course any day in Texas can be a range day, even if you’ve been at a plastic model show all day.
A colonel in my unit who is retiring this month (same unit as Apache26) wanted me to teach his daughter to shoot.
I’d say she’s getting there.

Where does an SF guy go after that? The Long Tab Brewing Company of course. Next time any of you are in the San Antonio area, it’s worth a visit. The food is so-so. I had the Bratwurst plate. It was passable, but the Rotkohl was bleached out and somewhat flavorless.
It’s the beer that makes this place special. Owned and founded by Special Forces guys, the beers all have Special Forces related names. I had the Jedhburg and the Safehouse. Both were very good. Oh, I have to say the enormous pretzel was good as well - the beer cheese really added to it.

Speaking of cheese, looking forward to a culinary tour of Wisconsin next year. Might even stop at a model contest if there’s one around.


The more B17s I see … The more I wanna do one :see_no_evil::see_no_evil:


The 1/48 Monogram offering is still a great deal after all these years, and is readily available at every show I go to.


In honor of Pee Wee passing I did look for it. :smiling_face_with_tear:



Andy posted his vid of the event.


I haven’t had time to watch yet, but that B-17 gas station is cool. Very reminiscent of a painting I saw several years ago of a P-38 cafe with cars parked around it. Would be cool in 1/32, someday…


Yes, we need to become much much older than life gives us to get all our planned projects done. But at least we have all the time in the world when we finally have our seat at the Eternal Workbench. Some of my friends already sit there …


Out of curiosity, do you remember the names of the places

I know they’re just plastic models but I’m just blown away by the talent of those that take the time to scrape and file, sand and finish these “toys” into such magnificent works of art.
Absolutely stunning in my opinion. Thank you to @18bravo, @Tank_1812 and @Mrclark7 for sharing these photos and the video, I’m inspired once again, revived in spirit to try and accomplish the same level of quality.

Cajun :crocodile:


Garcias, San Marcos Barbecue and Blacks.

I thought Blacks was tasty. Enjoyed the peach cobbler. The sweet tea was on point.



Do they have banana pudding (nanner puddin)?


Sweettea. All one word.


I cannot anymore but I would have been all over it, hence the peach cobbler option.

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Keep that up and you will be promoted to an officer soon. :rofl:

Sweetta is how we would say it then.


Blacks had banana pudding. We got pecan cobbler (never saw that before). Wasn’t that great. The food was ok at Blacks but the kids at the counter didn’t seem to know their jobs very well. Took forever for them to get me a Texas beer.