3D HEMTT A4 Conversion Parts in the Works

Great thank you. I understand the challenge.

Do you by any chance have the british conversion.?

I designed the exterior and engine, but yet the interior.

But I have this ready, the original Oshkosh CHU and A4 rear rollers:


Kudos on the CHU! Outstanding!

When the hobby manufacture did not at first come thru with their promised CHU in plastic I decided to try my hand at scratch building one.

This one functions, is removable and will actually pick up a model container. Built entirely using Evergreen shapes and sheeting.


Also designing the E-CHU, this one can fit the HEMTT A4 frame.
The Oshkosh CHU cradle only fits the M1075 and M1075A1 I think.
Have not found any pictures with the CHU setup on a A4.

For obvious reasons I’m going to build my trucks without the Container on it. :grin:


The frames on the A4 and earlier versions (A2s and M1075) are all the same as most (all?) A4s are rebuilt from A2s. I think it is just that it is the newer version and that is what was chosen to go with A4s.

This is something I made before designing the 3D parts.
The 5 axle trucks are 52 centimeters longer (truck only), or 1,028 meter is you measure from front to back container.

If I find time I might draw a better illustration in 2D to put above my bed.


The length of the frame varies by version, but the width is the same.

Can anyone tell if this is the right Handling frame
Or is it f from there Existing Oshkosh. Kit

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That is the older version Oshkosh CHU. The newer E-CHU is more open/lightweight and has an angled top bar, as opposed to the square top bar of the CHU.

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I can’t make it out, but the CHU cradle is not in the kit by the looks of it.
Looking at the technical drawing you can clearly see there is a support cradle to stow the CHU.

As soon as the kit hits the market here I can have a look at it.

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The CHU storage rack is in their M1120 CHU kit (01064), circled in red below. I would assume either the same one or a similar one will be on their MKR18 LVSR PLS as well.

It looks like the mount is there. See the couple of forks sticking up in the circled part below.


Thanks for your input :clap:t2:

Now Im Thinking they have used the same Parts form the container handling kit

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That would make sense since they are the same and they already have them.


Perfect fit, next week the E-CHU.
Designing is done, only test printing and fitting left.

Edit: I’m going to lower the cradle and CHU about 5mm.


Does any one have pictures or a film of how the LHS picks up and flips over the CHU for use.

Are the upper arms on your CHU adjustable so they can engauge the upper load locks on the container?


Thanks for the video but that is not what I asked. I asked to see how the CHU is flipped over and placed in its’ storage rack when not needed. I am very familiar with how it is used when loading/unloading a container.

Okay lost in translation :joy:
In your country, I will be called a senior in my country. We are called geriatrics. coffin dodgers and old farts :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::joy:


Perhaps these few reference photos from the previous Eurosatory will be of some assistance: (Not my photos, used here for reference purposes only)