3D HEMTT A4 Conversion Parts in the Works


I don’t have my own printer and don’t want to take that leap right now, so the files don’t help me.


Oh, ok - I see.
Got any friends that own a 3D printer?

I’ll ask 3d-Wild.com if they want to sell it.


Are there certain things that you guys want me to design?
Things not on the market yet but wanted.
I’m not talking about complete kits but small generic stuff.


Well I think I would like to buy two each of the rear end container guide/roller castings and two of the, what I will call the behind the cab “stowage rack” for the CHU.

It might be cheating of me but I could sure use them to finally and properly finish off these two puppies.

This is just a suggestion but you might consider doing a narrow CROPS pallet that would fit inside a 20’ container,




The CROPS placed inside a container is how they often ship missiles and ammo for greater security,


You want the CROPS for the Trumpeter or Italeri container?

I only have the Trumpeter version.
I don’t know if they have the same inner dimensions.

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I just mention it as a modeling suggestion; I have already scratch built mine, as you can see in the photos.

I too only have the Trumpeter containers so a cannot verify the internal dimensions.

To big, ergo they should have to ask a to high price.
Plastic molds are easy, they pop out and straight into the box.

Resin printing requires more work, so that pushes the price up.

So I put them online for free.


@CAD_user Although there are many modelers who whine about the cost of kits, there are also many who are not price sensitive. If I want a model of a particular subject, I’ll buy a $100+ kit and add all the aftermarket I can find regardless of price. It is cheap entertainment.

I and many others will not expose our families to the health risks of toxic resins and fumes in our homes. Nor do I want to dedicate space to a printer and washing/curing station. I just want to order the stuff I want and have it delivered to my door. It is far cheaper and safer than printing myself.

Please find someone who will make your excellent creations available in the market.




I have been contacting every big company for 11 months to turn these into a plastic kit, or 3D print them.
Nobody wants to, very weird situations.

Some only wants the files and designs, and demand from me to step away from the project. (Trumpeter)

The files are online, if someone wants to make a kit out of it, go ahead. Hopefully they throw me a bone.

Otherwise I would suggest you find somebody that has a 3D printer and wants to print everything for you.

My main lesson from all of this is that most people are never happy and very ungrateful.

Asking money or help is a big “no no” and putting them online is a even bigger sin.


I’d love a M121 Mortar, for my M1064 build and some mortar round cases.

On it, going to design this:

There seems to be multiple versions:

And I found some technical drawings:

Let me know if you guys have any preference.


Just like the CHU. They keep coming up with lighter more cost efficent versions of the various flat racks.

And here you have it:


I had to adjust the width a little so it would fit inside the Trumpeter container, but otherwise its the correct dimension in length and height.
And you can stack them.


is there an stl model for the hook arm part that attaches to the lift? Been trying to find one to 3d print but I have had no luck in doing so, or like the tan parts in this picture if theres a stl file for that id be super greatful

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You need what now?
Got a picture?

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Man, you work fast. The flat bed was done within few hours from the initial point of suggestion. You have mad puter skills.

Btw, is drop box the only website you are willing to post and sharing your files?


Yeah, I’m pretty fast.
Got more then 20 years experience with CAD programs.
The most time I lose is on research.

You got other websites to suggest?
I use Dropbox because I have a lot of empty space there and it’s very safe.


basically this

as someone uploaded earlier the crane piece for the truck bed

You mean the whole crane system that lifts the pallet or container onto the truck?