more or less yeah, the entire green part in that photo on the back is what im missing and was curious if you knew where I could get a model for it to print out
Schizo. The LHS on both my models came from the less expensive Italeri LHS HEMTT kit. While the vehicle itself leaves a lot to be desired, the Load Handling System is rather well done. Buying a full kit might be better/cheaper than going the 3D route.
You can also purchase just the LHS parts sprue (kit #6525, Sprue E) from Italeri. It costs about 10 Euros, shipped to the US.
You can send them an email here to request the parts.
Brilliant Gino! I did not think of that!
Yup, Italeri will sell any sprue separately. I purchased the M977 bed sprue for the crane on my M1074 PLS build, another M977 bed parts sprue for my M985A2 build, the tanker sprue for my M978A4 build, and the LHS sprue for a future M1120A2 build, all being added to Trumpeter HEMTT kits as a base.
While we are on the subject of the Italeri LHS mechanism anyway . . . .
A easy to add detail that only requires the drilling of one additional hole (location clearly marked on the model part) and the fabrication of a small piece of plastic rod as a locking pin.
I have no idea if the later Trumpeter LHS offering allows for this modification but it is a breeze using the Italeri kit parts.
Hey CAD - these might be somewhat larger undertakings but other interesting containers that would certainly differentiate any HEMTT or PLS model from the herd:
Water Hippo: (Seriously considered scratch building one of these!)
Photos found one line used here for reference only.
(Note stacked flat racks and a Reefer unit following up the Hippos on the RR bridge.)
Refrigerated Transport Reefers:
Early Reefer units required that they be either strapped to a flat rack or handled by the use of a CHU for loading. Later units had the lifting strut/ring assembly incorporated directly into their design. (Second photo above)
I chose to attempt to scratch build a reefer without the integral lifting ring so I could use my CHU on it. It still needs final camo painting.
this is amazing work!!
I just saw this!! amazing work and thank you. I’ll get them printed for my dad and get you pictures of the finished project. he is building this entire model from scratch and your parts. Do you do commission work. I have the HX77 in Multiple formats but several of the files need work so it can be printed. My computer isn’t powerful enough.
Ohh wow, this is the cab I’ve been hunting hi and low for to do a British version with my kit i can’t start im sure the front lower bumper has different lights but this is so cool amazing work
How are the lights different?
Got pictures?
I can adjust it of you want.
He is talking about the British M1070A1 HETS.
If you click on the arrow with user name (circled in red below), it will show you what post he is replying to.
In this case it is for @Small_Designer’s M1070A1 CAD files.
You can’t get everything for free in life.
But some keep trying and pushing. Lol
Thanks for the help Heavy art, still can’t work with this app. I’m a forum or Facebook type of guy.
Accurate Armor already made and released this:
I also designed it for the HobbyBoss kit (only the tractor conversion kit, not the trailer), and I was asked not to release it since it would tank Accurate Armor their sales.
Still going to print and build it myself though.
The Accurate Armor kit is a bit expensive for me.
Primary reason I started designing and printing myself.
Thank you very much, my friend. The kit design is fantastic, and I plan to use it to fit the small hand model. If it were in my country, I would provide you with the model kit you want
Wow, those parts in your printer came out sharp.
Btw, Mr CAD_user will you be sharing your files on Cults3D?
Also, can I interest you looking into M915A3 to design parts in 1/35 and 1/24 scale?
Here is a thread I started while back regarding this particular vehicle…
Boy, time flies cause that was in 2021 when it was started.
I don’t have that M915A3 kit in my Stash.
But it looks fun to design those parts.
I’m also thinking of buying the MTVR to design parts for.
Both of them does not have the engine on the kit if I’m not mistaken.
They are not military enough for me, that is why I don’t have them yet.
I’ll see if the piggy has enough to eat so I can break her open.
No, neither has an engine. For the M915A3, I would prefer an armored cab or the armored parts to add to the cab.
It has a armored version also?
Ok, now I’m interested.