3D HEMTT A4 Conversion Parts in the Works

I was thinking to contact a few companies to see if they would bring out the 120 and 155 ammo and pallets.

This working for free stuff isn’t bringing any money in, so buying new kits to design other stuff for you guys is challenging.

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Gino, Please share what slicer software you are using. Always looking for tips as difficult to match what a master like James Lee has done for tiny items. His antenna tips are difficult to properly print due to size in 35th scale.

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I would be willing to pay a reasonable fee for the files as well.

I’ll let you know when I get started.


CAD-user I will gladly throw money in your general direction to get good files. I have no CAD experience and might be getting a printer soon.


I use Chitubox because I have a Elegoo printer.
Been using a series of slicers before, but you get the best community support for the Chitubox slicer.
And its free!
Best way to go about it is auto support and check for island that are not supported.
I got my own “best” support settings and its a joy printing stuff, but I should be printing more. lol

I got a question for you about the smell from the printers. How do you manage it and how bad is it really.

Depending on the resin you use, the smell is bad, really bad and very unhealthy.
Personally I use Anycubic Water Washable Resin, don’t like the flammable resin cleaners.
I have a 5 year old running around here, so I designed and printed hose connectors and installed a air extraction unit that pulls the fumes straight out of the printer to the outside.
Took a bit house modifications ect, but worth it regarding health ect.

It only still smells when opening the printers and cleaning, but I also bought a aircleaner unit on Amazon and that also helps a bit, and I wear a mask when handling the stuff.
There are also 3 closed doors between my hobby room and the living room when I print.


Thank you I think I might just have to stick to paying others for printed parts. My wife can be sensitive to chemical smells, and I don’t want to spend the big bucks to find out the hard way.

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Better not do it then, If I had the option I wouldn’t do it also.
In the past I let other people print my stuff but it always ended up on Ebay, Telegram or elsewhere. That is the only reason I bought a printer of my own.

Like my aftermarket 1/72 B-1B Lancer project for example:

Some company got the early version (I think I even know who sold it to them) and is printing and selling them in their shop and on Ebay. They even sell it in 1/48 scale while its designed for the 1/72, the dimensions of the bomb and wheel bays are different compared to the 1/48 scale.

But they did not get the bombs, cockpit and all the improved files.

I would love to get my hands on a Revell 1/48 B-1B Lancer someday to continue the aftermarket parts.

I would put everything online for free in 1/48 scale just to give them a kick in the…


Yes. I would like to just ditto the comments about the 3D resin fumes. My wife has some breathing problems so I have a separate workshop with a paint booth blower exhausting out the window as needed. Plus I added an air cleaner Winix 5500-2 that runs 24/7.

During the resin pour and later pulling the 3D parts out, i wear an apron and mask

So far I have had no issues and the house does not stink. The only other thing I suggest is saving old coffee cans to seal up the resin soaked paper towels and scrap parts. Just keeps the odor down. Have fun and please share tips!

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Any answer from Italeri yet?

News about what?
I got a free T-shirt from them.

Designing the M1074 JABS and M992A2 FFASV

That is what I would be interested in. Even though I already scratched one a few years ago, another could be nice.

If anyone is interested i have a Italeri M977 HEMTT avaialble thats excess to my needs