3D prints and CADs Part 2 - by petition2God

Good to see you doing the D90078 tray (slotted), my main go to for 1/16th M2HB has been Tamiya, but they only do the other one - tray C135798 (round holes)
Some pics that might help?



James do you sell prints or just the stl files on cults3d? I do not have access to a printer but you have quite a few items I would be interested in for modern US armor.

I pmed

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Improved design in 1/16 and 1/35!




Haven’t had much time to CAD new designs or 3D print lately bc of filing taxes.

While organizing my stash, found these from robberyways! One of my few purchases from like 10 yrs ago. :smiley:

Not an improvement over Dragon kit’s kit parts, which are thinner:

O, how the times have changed.

In the same Sherman kit, the DS tracks started to self-destruct! All oily and starting to snap.

Has a funny smell to it, too.

What a mess. Thanking the technological advances.

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Yeah, nasty stuff, same with my T48 DS tracks. I will make ones myself too.


Caught the flu - bedridden all day… :frowning: Couldn’t sleep so I ended up CADding this simple thing to replace kit parts that may be too thick.

MG barrel shroud for Abrams in 1/35 and 1/16 scales.

1/16 version - more flexibility to make the parts thinner and not compromise the 3D printability - shroud is about 0.2 mm thick:

1/35 version - had to make the shroud a bit thicker than the actual scaled dimension for 3D printability - around 0.175 mm thick:

Reference photos used:

This one is from someone who modified the K1E1 kit:


Its actually called a flash suppressor.
A good item to make in 3D.

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Some 3D prints from a couple of days ago. Had many print fails unfortunately. Ones that survived came out OK.

Just took them off the supports. Need some cleaning up:
M1 Abrams MG flash suppressor in 1/35 came out surprisingly well:

The flash suppressor in 1/16. Some distortion noticed but much closer to the real thing in wall thickness.

M2 50 cal. ammo tray (modern/VN War version) in 1/16. Quite happy with the result:

The tray in 1/35. Quite small and it was hard to keep my hand steady for my phone camera and zoom in x5:


Those.50 boxes are very nice :+1:

Made a 1/48 version of the Abrams mg flash suppressor also as requested:


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At someone’s request, made M18 smoke grenades in red, yellow, and white embosses in 1/16 and 1/35 scales. Also added 1/16 version of the green version. I am guessing the requester wants to use them for the AHHQ M113A1 kit in 1/16.




Green in 1/16:


How about coffee cups!


Any plans to make the ammo tray with the ammo can in the open position?

Like this… :point_up:

Or like this… :point_up:


I already did 2 years ago - at least for the WWII version:

See: 3D prints and CADs Part 2 - by petition2God - #516 by Petition2God

Not planning to do it for the Vietnam war version bc the demand was too low and no ROI.
Plus, it was tricky to 3D print correctly - weird print errors kept happening where the spaces in between the bullets just became solids:


M2 50cal looks nice!

:smiley: Let me ask Reynier:

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Haha! Heck no! 2 years ago, I sold 2.
2 freaking prints after hours of working on it. Not gonna touch it.

Even for the VN War version tray I just made, I sold 1 STL file. 1 stinking file.