Matt, your 151 looks great! What did you use for the antenna? It’s perfect! (Commo was one of my later MOSs)
I like MERDC too. That was what was in use during the early years of my career. So much variety in schemes and colors even going by the manual. Not to mention all the unit variations from the “official” that occurred.
Looking very good!
thank you, antenna is all scratch built from brass tubes …
Today’s progress update:
During the week, I airbrushed on a coat of Future in preparation for decals. This morning I broke out my ancient Superscale US Armor markings decal sheet - it’s basicly national stars in various sizes, plus two sizes of letters and numbers. The smaller size barely fit on the bumpers. For a 30+ year old decal sheet, they cooperated well enough, but took a long time to lift free from the backing paper. I also used the kit decals for the dash, and some decals from my spares for the serial number, black stars, and red reflector tape squares.
I went with the CO’s jeep for Echo Troop, 2nd ACR.
Beautifully done but the star on the hood is upside down.
Thanks SSG. But actually, the postwar regs were for the single point tip of the star to be towards the front of the vehicle on horizontal surfaces such as the hood of a truck or jeep.
Cool picture ! Germany late 70s ?
Beautiful job on the 151 !
Thank you Richard. And yes, supposedly the patrol photo was taken in the late 70’s along the east/west border.
Great diorama idea
Yes the photo is great diorama inspiration material. But figures for such a dio are lacking. All the figures for that era are primarily in hot weather Vietnam uniforms, not temperate weather USAREUR.
While not the best figures OOB, these can be used as a base to add detail to to represent USAREUR figures from the '70s.
Valkyrie makes these two sets for tank crewmen as well.
True. I was looking the other day for the command figure set. It’s currently OOP, and on eBay, the current asking prices are way more than those figures are worth.
The Valkyrie set would work just gotta change the heads and carve off the shoulder holsters no ?
Looks like some reasonable prices to me:
$12.99 shipped
$19.96 shipped.
$20.09 shipped
Call me cheap… I can’t see paying that much for those figures. When they are in production, that set goes for well under $10 at local shops. Tax is far less than shipping. I can wait. Tamiya usually repops their stuff every so often. And I might have a figure in my spares bin that will work as a starting point.
you did well stik! Almost looks too new!
Thanks Gary. But it’s not quite done yet. Weathering will make it look a bit more aged.
Looks great with the decals added. Looking forward to the weathering.
Got to say, I was with SSGToms, first thing I thought was the star was upside down. I was happy to be proved wrong, though.
Actually, did US Army uniforms of the 70s have the cargo pocket on the thighs ? Weren’t those the OG 107a ?(A bit before my time ; we had the BDUs in the mid 80s). That wouldn’t be too hard either, they could be sanded off I think.