Admiral Scheer, the "lucky" ship of the Kriegsmarine

Short update: This weekend I had a kind of PE orgy.

A lot of vent louvres and windows. Looks not much but took hours because the instructions are not very clear. I want to finsh the superstructure before starting with the boats, catapult and AA guns.




Tom - coming along nicely, that is a lot of PE for sure.


Wow Tom, so much progress since I last looked in. The PE work looks fantastic! Are the superstructure assemblies cemented in place or dry-fitted?


@RollTide And I probably will only use half of the PE at the end :slight_smile:
@MINUX The superstructure is dryfitted as long as I have to touch up the paint am not sure about additional gun positions. Good thing is that the aft superstructure and the catapult are no different from Graf Spee, so I can just build them without a lot of try and error.



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Hi Tom,

Been following quietly in the background. Very impressive conversion. I am planning to have a bash at the Lutzow at some point, some reference material is already assembled and the kit in the stash, the next job is the confidence to see the build through.

Keep up the great work.



Hi Si,
If you need some pics or drawings you can contact me. I have found more about Deutschland/Lützow than about Scheer :grinning:
The difficult thing is that the funnel is more aft and the forward superstructure is completely different. The 15 cm guns are also a bit shifted. So you cannot use a prefabricated wooden deck. Really a lot of scratchbuilding necessary. Ambitious plan :clap:



Hi Tom,

Thank-you for the offer, I have quite a bit on Lutzow, but when I get on to this one I may well take you up on that. looking at most of the molded deck detail is in the wrong place for Lutzow. My intention for the deck is to remove almost everything except for the main barbettes and cut the deck from a plain artworx 1/350 sheet of decking, yup there is a lot of scrathcbuilding.

This project is a while down the line yet.



THAT is much more ambitious than my build! :astonished:
I think you can only use the hull and the main armament of a kit then! But would be a nice picture having both models together for comparison.

I once cut the aft hull of a Dragon german destroyer because the underwater hull is rubbish and replaced it with a Trumpeter aft body. Now I have a very nice Z-39 and a hull for a Z-21 with a selfmadeaft body (frames and a lot of putty) but cannot motivate myself to finish it.
With this really big and slow projects sometimes the fun part get lost, I sometimes have to do a plane to get motivated again :slight_smile:



great work

@ robinsonm: Thanks Michael!

Hi Tom,

It is a very ambitious project, it will require serious planning.

I think I will be looking to Black Cat for replacement 105mm and the light AA, the spares box will come in handy also a large stock of plasticard.

The Destroyer project sounds like it was fun.



Short update this weekend:
Did some touch ups and glued the aft superstructure. Mast (in brass) is stepped. The legs and yards I can ony glue when the funnel with all its PE is finished.
I started with the main turrets and realized how big they are for a cruiser. Looks a bit brutal but unbalanced. With 9x 8" they would have been most probably better overall cruisers.

Next will be some more detailing like cranes searchlights, rangefinders and catapult.




Nice to see some progress, looking good Tom.

Cheers, Si


Your build is looking really good! I have an 80% completed Heller 1/400 version of the Scheer abandoned years ago in my closet of shame… That kit fought me to a standstill, but you are accomplishing something much closer to my vision with this much better model. Keep at it, I’m enjoying watching the beast come together! :+1:t3: :grinning:

Great progress. Love the work you are doing with her…Cheers Mark

What Si, Tim and Mark said - excellent work! You are doing a fine job with the conversion, she’s clearly looking like Admiral Scheer from late war/after conversion.


I have to apologize for not continueing my build blog. Real life interfered serieously, from work over holiday, hot weather, covid and finally a stay in hospital. And I have to admit that in summer the work on SCHEER became more work than fun. So I finally decided to put this blog on hold for a few months

Before running out of steam I soldered the main mast and prepared the rangefinders. Main things further converted are some AA platforms and the cranes. And than of course installation of boats, AA and many small items.
Here is how she looks now:

I will continue the blog when I feel in the mood for a pocket battleship again.
In the meantime I will relax a bit building some planes without too much butchery :slight_smile:

More to come soon




Yip, time to put her away and work on other things. As a sufferer of frequent burnout I feel your pain. I look forward to seeing your wingy things :slight_smile:

Sounds like Scheer hell…


@ MoramarthT: Yes, I will try to forget this year as quick as I can.
@McRunty: I am watching curiously your VENDETTA and the pain with the bollards… I have a SCOTT with similar small parts. One reason more to relax with a plane. If I could only decide… :slight_smile:



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