AK/MIG's 1/35 Technical Pickups Made in Plastic


Very welcome to represent “The other side” of the Technical pickup war. In resin, I remember that these were hard to obtain and quite pricey.

I’d be interested in how AK managed to do this—via 3-D modeling or otherwise—and if they can make a 1/35 Toyota Tacoma or USSOCOM SOF Flyer 72 in plastic.

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I love that old Toyota Land Cruiser! Is this the first time it’s been done in plastic, in any scale? Unfortunately, being a MIG product, I expect a high price. :thinking:
:grinning: :canada:

1/24th scale



According to the video, plastic version appears to offer more features such as a detailed interior. I think the old resin offering was oversimplified.

great set for this one…


Looks like AK has put out a figure set to go with their Technicals.

They look to come w/some extra gear too.

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Wow,they would go with the older MengTechnical that I still have in my stash

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In case you’ve not seen it - Nacho has discovered the holy grail.

The photos of his printed pieces are quite impressive.

I had the resin MIG Hilux many years ago, Wasn’t inpressed. Hopefully thier plastic is better.

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This figure set is welcome and fills a niche in manning the 1/35 pickups. The resin option for Technical pickup figures is from Paracel Miniatures.

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That one reminds me of the technical in the movie BHD… Different Recoiless rifle. The one in the movie had a Chinese SPG-9.

AK already has the FJ43 with the SPG-9 RR, just paint it in some wild colors and boom! Instant Somali Militia Technical.

Or… Make it as a civilian FJ, tearing up the sand dunes in Oman with some crazy dude behind the wheel, giving it a full send.