All Things Apocalyptic and Adorable

Finished: Mobile Area Denial Munition, Autonomous, Neutral – MADMAN

MADMAN is a a first iteration design concept for a contemporary battlefield robot for use during a total war. This unarmored machine utilizes readily available automotive and electronics components within a simple box body, driven by easy to manufacture, hydraulically actuated, sheet metal legs. Primary armament consists of one 30mm autocannon for use against lightly armored vehicles, one 0.5mm anti-material heavy machine gun for use against livestock, people, and unarmored machines, 6 multi-purpose missiles for use against aerial and fully armored targets, 18 anti-personnel mines, and a flame thrower.

MADMAN is capable of operating in three modes–remote control, autonomous with command control, and autonomous neutral. In the latter mode, a complex algorithm completely controls MADMAN movement and target acquisition. While in this mode, the machine will not accept commands from any external source such that an enemy cannot possibly usurp control using electronic warfare. MADMAN may be programmed to self destruct after a set period of time in neutral mode.

MADMAN software can run on a wide variety of entertainment and game consoles. Likewise, a wide variety of small automobile and motorcycle engines can power the machine, making mass production possible even after the loss of advanced technology centers.

MADMAN is designed to infiltrate a territory, enter neutral mode, then hunt targets from a huge database of potential enemy assets. This algorithm can identify targets from any angle under all lighting conditions. The shape recognition algorithm can see through most forms of camouflage, doing so better that 99.999% of humans.

MADMAN carries one bottle of compressed nitrogen and one bottle of fuel jelly agent. If the control algorithm deems a target, especially a building, sufficiently important, it will sacrifice some fuel, mix it with the jelly agent, and fire it as a flame thrower. In this way, a single MADMAN can quickly set a large development ablaze

When MADMAN identifies one or more targets, it performs a complex calculation to determine if weapon expenditure is warranted. The machine will then use the most effective weapon to destroy the target. MADMAN is specifically designed to kill humans, livestock, buildings, vehicles, and weapon systems so as to inflict the maximum possible damage on enemy resources before running out of fuel and munitions.

If partially disabled, small, independent computers take control of a lost leg, missile box, or turret, essentially turning that widowed component into an improvised explosive device. In this way, a single damaged MADMAN can break apart into multiple, stationary mines.

Much like allied bomber formations dropping fire bombs on cities during World War II, MADMAN is designed to break the will of an implacable enemy during a total war. It is cheap, easily mass produced, light weight, and designed to destroy the enemy with minimal risk to blue force.

We hope this proposal will be deemed worthy of further research and request 1.4 billion dollars for further development of the MADMAN program.

Thank you for your consideration.