Allied trucks

We had a number of related threads on various aspects of Allied trucks (CCKWs, Chevys, and others) that are all due to be archived when the old Forums get closed down, so I thought it high time we start a dedicated trucks thread here on the new Forum! Let’s see how big we can make this grow…



Good idea.

I will post a pic of your wonderful Chevy semi conversation from shapeways I got last week or so. The hyperlink is to the old thread that has additional links to the conversion and individual parts.

I hope to modify the parts to a ICM Studebaker semi build in the future.


Yes!!! Thanks Tim for re-starting this thread here on the new side. I’ve lurked in the old thread and re-read it many, many times. Mike’s (@165thspc) modeling is amazing and everyone’s contributions are so inspiring. Modeling Allied softskins is my favorite aspect of this hobby.

I, too, just ordered (and finally received after a two-week postal sojourn through New Jersey lol) your amazing Chevy tractor conversion from Shapeways. Outstanding parts and I do look forward to the set of trailer parts so I can build something to pull with the Chevy tractor. I even took a photo to post but Ryan beat me to it!

I have four Hobby Boss CCKWs (two SWB, the Bofors and the fuel tanker) and 5 Italeri hard tops. I actually need one more I think. I have three of the Tamiya open cab CCKWs and so along with Tim’s Chevy tractor conversion I’ll be having a lot of fun playing “GMC Tetris” lol. Along with those I have 4 Mirror/Thunder Models Diamond T variants, 2 of their Scammell transporters, the IBG Scammell Pioneer, both Merit Diamond T transporters (one nearing completion), two Tamiya Dragon Wagons, numerous Jeeps and small trucks and a growing number of British and Canadian subjects. So lots on my to-do list! Anyway looking forward to seeing this topic receive continued support and will add what I can when I can. Thanks all.


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Helping where I can. :rofl:

Look forward to all those builds.

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I hit it with some primer before taking the photograph - not sure however if this adds anything.
Tom I especially like the work you did on the fifth wheel and how it turned out!


Hi All.
Excellent idea Tom, I hope to contribute with some Allied Trucks, the next year I think to do some ones, all around 2,5 ton and 3 ton ( Chevrolet, GMC, Bedford, and others) The time will said how many Trucks I will do, :roll_eyes:
Regards Omar

Getting started on the Semi:
Tom can you offer me some help as to exactly which frame cross members go where???


The joined pair of cross members clearly go at the rear of the frame because they also carry the towing pintle but I cannot seem to find reference as to where exactly that third cross member goes???

Fortunately I already have my scratch built 4 ton trailer to use with the new G7113 semi tractor.
Wheels and leaf springs are from Italeri Deuce. Rear beam and taillights from the Tamiya Deuce. The rest is all scratch. The landing legs actually function to go up or down.


Hi Mike, I did a pic with measurements on the Shapeways page, but here it is:


Hope this makes it clear!


Thanks - got it!

…and I dig your excellent trailer!

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Many Thanks - I also built an open cab tractor to pull it only to later find that no open cab semi tractors where ever made so that one had to go by the wayside.

Something only slightly different: My parts bin was filling up with Italeri water trucks (I salvage the hard cabs for my other truck projects) and also filling up with unused Tamiya open cabs so . . .
I built an open cab variant of the water truck, part Italeri and part Tamiya. This one with an additional engine driven pump and plumbing to also function as an airfield auxiliary water truck for firefighting.


Mike it’s your trailer, and Tim’s excellent conversion set for the cab, that’s pushed me towards doing one! So thanks!


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Hope mine turns out half as good as yours.

I want to play! Here is my Tamiya 1/35 LRDG Chevrolet 30 cwt Truck that I built a few years back. I added some stowage and a Miniart figure to the kit.


Sorry Tom, I guess I forgot that we had already covered that cross member question in the “other” forum.

On a different note; “Allied Trucks” might just be too broad a title for this thread. I think you would agree, each division (type) of Allied Truck could possibly warrant a thread all unto itself.

It’s all good, guys! I just wanted us to kick off lots of interesting discussion of WW2 trucks, and of course I hope we pick up on the “old” topics of Chevy tractors, fire trucks, and all things GMC or Ford. Heck, we ought to start looking at other trucks too, like the Mack, Diamond T, and other lines.

Stikpusher, that’s a nice LRDG truck! The movie “Sea of Sand” comes to mind…