AMX 13 challenge

Here are some pictures of the resin barrel. The last one is a comparison of the Takom gun and the FC Modeltrend one. To have the FC barrel fit the mantlet you’ll have to fully drill the opening and remove the flat part.

Now it’s time to clean the barrel, fit it and complete the painting.

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Thanks for the info Olivier; clearly FC Modeltrend is the way to go when I tackle my ancient Heller kit.

Wow. When you see them side by side you appreciate just how wrong the Takom one is… Thanks Olivier.

Well the diameter is about the same and you could extend the kit barrel for the correct length but you can’t fix the muzzle brake.

That was my first thought but I just couldn’t figure out to make a correct muzzle brake.
FC rendering is not perfect in shape and the caliber is still oversized but it looks way better. I’m pretty sure no one will notice the caliber at first sight. Another option would be to use a muzzle cover as seen on many pictures of the Argentinian tanks.


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I wonder what the outside diameter dimensions are for the 105 mm actually are?
The new resin one may have used the same diameter as the kit so that it would fit into the mantle.

The Argentinian tank is finally complete with its new gun.

Here is the family picture.

I consider that my personal challenge is achieved.


Excellent work all round Olivier - very well done.

Thnaks too for the information about the replacement 105mm gun barrel from FC Modeltrend.

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Hi Olivier, I would heartily second that - fabulous builds and paintwork. I also appreciate the information about the 105mm barrel and the AMX-13/105 generally. This will come in very handy when I tackle the Takom kit. Thanks!


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Thank you all for your appreciation. I’m glad to know that this thread has been useful.


I really enjoyed these three builds come together. Each unique and well done. Not sure I could do 3 simultaneous builds. :+1: :+1:

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Outstanding work!

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Great line up Olivier. Love the very different appearance of each. I have really enjoyed following these builds. Thank you for posting the thread.

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Thank you all.
To put the final point to this challenge I’ve uploaded to my site an article for each of the versions.

Enjoy the visit and thank you again for your kind support here.
My site Modern Military Modeling

Looks like the pictures do not show up (maybe a http url direct link is not allowed). So have a look to the site.


Just had a very pleasant catch up on this thread Olivier, thanks for pointing me this way. Three very impressive builds. This is certainly a reference source for when I build my two Takom AMX-13!

Many thanks


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Do you have a link to the website where I can order an E-book for this vehicle?

You can try this site


Interesting video looking into the AMX 13.
Apologies for the French baiting


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