Apocalypse Tank from CnC Red Alert 2

A few updates ago I showed you the Soviet insignia badge from the game that I found online. Getting that started me thinking about how to display the tank.

Eventually I decided a nice Trumpeter display box would be a good fit and would also afford me the opportunity to do some logos.

Yes, you’ve guessed it comrades- we’re going back to the People’s Cricut!

But just prior to mucking about with the Cricut I had done the final assembly and was very pleased that the lights were all working!

It was a real pleasure to finally get it all together and see how it looked.

So, now that the Red March is victorious there remains only two things to do.

Lay me down a beat Nicky.

Altogether now comrades :laughing:!

Soyuz nerushimyy respublik svobodnykh…

And the second thing is to say thank you for your encouragement and support during the build. I really enjoyed doing it as it allowed me to basically share two of my hobbies with you, modelling and gaming, and I hope it was enjoyable to follow along.