Gather ye round the bench modelling friends as I spin ye a tale of the rare aul times.
Back in the mists of a time long forgotten (er…well…the year 2000) there was a great commotion in those most ancient of places, the ‘Electronics Boutique’.
‘Has it landed yet?’ ‘Is there any left?’ ‘There better be, I bloody pre-ordered it!’ Such shouts could be heard across ye olde shoppinge malle.
And behold- that most ancient of artifacts so I can prove that my tale, tis of the truth- for here it be- a CD-ROM!
That is actually my own copy of the game, bought back in the day in a real ‘EB’ in Belfast when I was 13 and computers still had CD bits! Lost and gave away a lot of games over the years but managed to hold on to a few I liked, this one included.
For gamers, and modellers I might add, nostalgia can run deep and with this kit both these hobbies of mine are being catered for in a way that makes me grin from ear to ear both remembering the game that inspired the kit and that a company decided to do one in 1/35 plastic! An icon of the golden age of gaming in the golden age of modelling! (Opinions may vary!)
So back in an even more arcane time (1997) there was the original ‘Command & Conquer’ and its ‘Mammoth Tank’- a bulbous two gun unit used by the GDI and re-used in the first ‘Red Alert’ game by both Soviet and Allied forces.
This is the Soviet Mammoth tank taken from the recent re-mastered release of the original ‘Red Alert’.
RA2 would see it reborn as a sleeker, more capable Soviet vehicle. The Allies got the Mirage tank which could disguise itself as anything you could click on like a tree and the Prism tank which fired a kind of laser.
In addition to the two main guns, the Apocalypse also had a SAM launcher to counteract some of the airborne Allied threats.
The animations for the vehicle were quite good but the projectiles were a bit crap- looking like cannon balls. Massed or deployed infantry could be a right pain but just two of these babies with full veterancy could dominate most maps near singlehanded. Suffice to say it was my favourite Soviet vehicle!
The Apocalypse tank as it appears in the game.
The blurb from the instruction manual.
But I digress from modelling so we’ll get back to it.
Border model decided to make this kit both pre-painted and with glue-free assembly. On examining the plastic I can see it has an okay color but the fully built version on the side of the box in the bare plastic looks decidedly toy-like compared to the painted and weathered version.
Paint free version on the box side.
Painted version on the box side.
Here you can see the coloured sprues out of the box.
I can only guess the ‘no paint or glue needed’ is to perhaps interest fans of the game who have maybe never modelled before. Again, I have to applaud Border for the innovation but I’ll be both gluing and painting mine (ye olde fashioned way-e).
As you can see the moulds are bright but for me the bare plastic just doesn’t look right.
First issue I encountered was in the instructions where a battery specified on page 1 disagrees with that specified on page2.
So I guess I’ll be looking out for mistakes in the instructions then!
As I go through this build I will share some more pics of the tank from the game’s ‘FMV sequences’, as they were called back then - the ‘live action bits’ is what they are referred to now. These sequences and the actual ‘in-game’ model of the tank differ in color to the box art so I will explain my plan for the colors.
I’m also trying to find some of the tank’s concept art which was shown during the time it took to install the cd’s on a computer. These are quite impressive and interesting. I will also hopefully talk about where I think the inspiration for the
design and features of the tank came from.
I must also mention that I’m doing this as my build for the Sci-Fi and Alternative History Campaign IX Group Build which will be ongoing until later this year. Plenty of time to sign up if you’re interested and be sure to check out the innovative and interesting builds going on there.
I must also mention that I have been consulting with Yuri.
And have decided to deploy the psychic beacon.
You will enjoy this thread comrade!
Thanks for reading!