Are AK Real Colors being phased out and reformulated?

has any one heard of AK real colors being phased out or reformulated?

Where you’ve been, bro?

Is AK discontinuing its Real Color range? - General Discussions / General Painting - KitMaker Network

He’s been huffing Tamiya Extra Thin like you should be doing, pal.

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I do lines of powdered putty. Tamiya Extra Thin is weak.

Nutcracker Sniffing Candy Cane Meme on Make a GIF


Seriously though, there is some reformulation going on but for the most part it is just moving everything under the 3rd Gen banner and drop bottles all around. I guess that’s okay – especially for airbrushing – but I do like the jars and they’re more reusable than little plastic bottles. I have a set of 3G skin tones and they work as well if not maybe better (IMO) than the 2nd Gen stuff.

If you need a color now and can find it go ahead and get it as it may take a bit before the new stuff heads out.

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Stock on as much REAL COLOR you can get before the paints get reformulated.

That’s what I’m doing. :wink:

I need more Dunkelgelb and Panzergrau but my LHS is out (missing about half the display rack actually) and my online go-to Michigan Toy Soldier is also out. They have the sets but I already have a bunch of green and red-brown.

I’ve actually reverted to my Tamiya Dark Yellow to save the AK for my nicer builds.

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Well, they have finally arrived in the warehouse, the new 17ml squeeze bottles of AK Real Color Lacquers. They have a different screw top for the bottles to easily tell them apart from the acrylics.

They are also coming out with sets, like the 3rd Gen Acrylics

So far several shops have ordered their initial stock of the paints from us, so keep your eyes peeled at your favorite LHS.


Oh great now you can’t tell the color from looking at the cap. I see printing a whole lot of dot labels in my future.

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put a drop of the color on the cap, let it dry and you are good to go. This bottle is better than the jar TBH


Oh, true. I didn’t think of that! Thanks! Definitely better than the jar, I could never pour from the jar without spillage running down the outside of the airbrush and jar.

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I always paint my bottle lids with the color contained. Much easier to home in on what I’m looking for compared to a label.


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you are still going to need a jar to mix it in becuse these new paints are not airbrush ready you still have to thin them they phased out a lot of colors , one of them is APC interior green as used inside the M113 and M2 Bradley and other US vehicles

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The originals weren’t, which I liked as the colors I purchased stood up to a lot of thinning and I got a lot of value from each jar. And I do think the dropper will eliminate the drippy sides for those of us too lazy or cheap to use pipettes to transfer paint in the first place.

Sorry about the APC interior green, though. Is there no replacement color among the colors they’ve kept moving forward?

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So what is the volume compared to the bottles,and the price compared also

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Volume is 17ml which I believe is what the bottles were. Supposedly price will be similar.


The old glass jars are 10ml, like the Tamiya Minis. The new squeeze dropper bottles are 17ml. I don’t know what any price difference is or will be.

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Sounds good then,no shrinkflation

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Well, you’ll be getting 70% more paint. A SWAG says that they will cost more.


And can you still use cellulose thinners with them like the old RC range ?

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