Arma Hobby P-39, Bud Anderson-theme together with a Mustang!

@AussieReg You shouldn’t have to wait long for that Hurricane, it’s for release “beginning 2023” according to the Arma web shop! I’m sure you won’t be disappointed!

@Russelle As always, thanks :slight_smile: !

Front part of the flaps dressed up using Bare Metal “matte aluminium”. This is always a disappointment since burnishing it down will turn it into a mirror finish every time. Oh well, a quick coat of matte varnish toned it down a bit. Also, the metal frames around the glazing was a lot easier to do than I had thought, I just used Parafilm and cut along the edges.

And then the P-39. Doors are in clear plastic, avoiding the tricky fitting of a clear pane into the frame, thanks a lot for that one Arma :slight_smile: !




This one popped up in my FB feed :sunglasses:

Cheers, D

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Fantastic work as always, Magnus! :+1:

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Perhaps they stole the idea from Special Hobby :thinking: :sunglasses:

Cheers, D

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@AussieReg There are more photos like the one you posted on Bud Anderson’s web page. Lots of interesting stuff and he seems to have understood that we modellers are big fans! Regarding the clear doors: an obvious case of industrial espionage, they need to tighten the security at Arma :grin: !

@BlackWidow Thanks!




Inspiration has been out of town for the last two weeks but finally both are standing on their own wheels. I need to summon the courage to do the final weathering and add the last bits and pieces. Not difficult but it has to be done :slight_smile: !




I’ve spent the last two months just staring at these, there is something about the finish that I don’t really like. I think that I’m mostly disappointed since I really wanted them to end up better than they did even if they look quite OK anyway. I lacked in focus, both when building and painting. Well, not much to do about that now, we’ll call them finished!

Both are great kits and I’ll do more of them, the P-39 is sweet and this boxing of the Mustang is a marvellous 8th AF boxing with several very interesting decal options.

My B-Mustang trio! The other two ones were built a year ago, you can follow those builds here!




All builds look great, Magnus! :+1:
What is it that you don’t like about the finish? I wouldn’t complain at all about them.


Thanks Torsten!

I think the main reason for me whining is a discrepancy between what I wanted them to become and how they actually turned out. Since I have done three Mustangs the comparison is easy and this latest one falls short.

The P-39 is even worse with a multitude of small mistakes that I didn’t care to fix and they all show up when looking close. And that’s probably another main reason for my disappointment: an absolute state of the art kit where I DIDN’T CARE TO FIX the stuff that went wrong, the kit itself has the potential to be made into a winner.

A final hint for anyone contemplating this kind of build: a two Mustang double build leads to synergies, there is no synergies in two different kits when the only common denominator is that they were flown by the same pilot :grin: ! If someone thinks so…

