AutoModeler Group Build Discussion Thread

Hi team AutoModeler.

Joel and I have been having some discussions offline regarding the drop in participation in the Group Builds that are under way at the moment. Is there any particular reason that anybody can put forward, or is it just the state of the world we are in right now?
My initial thoughts were that the relocation of the Group Builds to a separate parent forum might have made navigation more difficult, but once you have found the thread and participated, it will pop up in your “Unread” list every time there is a new post.

Anyway, we would be very keen to understand why the numbers have dropped so significantly this year.

On that note, I have created a thread in the Group Build Staging Area for the next Auto Group Build:

Wheels of the Union Jack and Tricolore - Oct '21 to March '22 - Campaigns / Group Builds / Staging Area - KitMaker Network

I hope everybody will jump in and take a look and get the ball rolling with some thoughts, references and proposed builds.

Please stay safe and well.

Cheers, D