Bandai B-Wing Build. Built!

Love how it looks. Its nicer to see some of the more lesser made variants in the Star Wars universe, and made well … top work mate.


Thanks John, I really appreciate that!

Aye, you don’t see many B-wings. It’s a strange shape but interesting to work on. On to the decals now, there are a few small ones, mostly data stencils and such.

Thanks again bud, J.

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Not many builds? Are you all just referring to on this site?

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Probably should have said don’t see as many B-wings being built. But then I haven’t actually searched for any really beyond Andy Moore’s. I look in on starshipmodeller and the RPF forums and have seen a few but nothing in comparison to x-wings and y-wings, which I’m more than happy to see too of course. Maybe if I did social media I would have seen more…

I have posted on starshipmodeller before, but threads disappear after not being updated for a while, and now we don’t need to use photo hosting here I’m more than happy! Hopefully as more sci-fi builders realise how good the new set up is here the busier it will get.

Cheers, J.


That’s the kit decals on. I didn’t gloss coat as I felt the finish was satin enough. Will see how that went when I varnish over the decals, seems ok just now.

I have looked through my spare decals and have some ideas for adding some more very small details. Already added one on the gun sponson on the right wing, just a tiny square from a finemolds x-wing decal sheet… also been trying to figure out what the green and yellow crest is on the blue side part, wondering if it is a real sports crest the original master modeller included, or was made up as a squadron motif.

Cheers, J.


She’s coming on nicely.

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All the decals look really nice done Jim… None look out of place and very realistic.
The whole wing has come together very nicely with a nice subtle weathering and not over done :+1:


Thanks David, Thanks John!

I’ve added a few more small decals. In particular a whole load of tiny squares that I’m figuring are positional sensors to help with all the orientations this fighter can adopt. And some others just for some visual stimulation.

Most of the decals came from finemolds x-wing and tie fighter spares, some from tamiya 1/24th rally cars, and one from the hasegawa 1/24th jeep kit, I wonder if anyone can spot that one? Ha!

I’m going to stop with the decals now, then I’m going to start on some more weathering…

Thanks as always, J.


Weathering started.

Overall coat of tamiya semi-gloss varnish, first time using this and quite happy with it.

Some chipping on the blue with light blue acrylic mix.

Staining and pin washing with AK light dust deposits wash and Abteilung Starship Filth oil paint. Being very careful not to get too much on to prevent any issues with plastic cracking.

I think this will be the final finish all over, can always revisit it later and add more…

Left wing in pic finished, right only the chipping.


Finished I think. I’ll be using the clear canopy when I have some fresh blades for the masking, so the windowless frame on for now. Some paint still drying in the guts of the blown off panel, and on the lower gun cluster.

I have really, really enjoyed this!

Will post better pics when have time to set up nice background.

Thanks for following, Jim.


Looks great.

“and one from the hasegawa 1/24th jeep kit, I wonder if anyone can spot that one?” Is that the squadron badge?

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Certainly a strange looking craft. Very well done. Excellent job varying the various colors used and the panel fading. :+1: :+1:

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Thanks Ryan @Tank_1812, I’m afraid the squadron marking came with the kit. Spoiler alert! It’s actually the data panel above the blown off panel under the wing.

Thanks DV @Armorsmith, it was such a strange thing to work on, but that just made it more fun!

Thanks again, J.

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Another great finish Jim. You have worked wonders with the paint and tonal variations all over. Looks really neat :+1:

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Thanks John, that’s much appreciated as always bud!

I’ve learned a lot with this one, thanks to Master Moore’s teachings, the Force is strong with that one!

Oh, and overall I have been very happy with the AK Real Color paints. Spray well, pretty good adherence considering no primer, don’t smell too bad for what they are, and play well with other compatible brands, like Tamiya and Gunze.

Thanks again, Jim.

Congrats on an awesome build Jim!


I reckon leave the windowless canopy on in keeping with the studio models which were also windowless :wink:


absolutely awesome Jim. well done indeed.

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Thanks Russell, @Russelle, I like the studio accurate canopy too, but may use the clear canopy for keeping the dust at bay, although I have been looking at cases for it, and it would fit in one meant for a boxing glove perfectly!

Thanks David, I don’t usually enter anything at shows, but if we ever have any in Scotland again I may just be tempted to stick this on the table! Ha!

Thanks again all, Jim.


I hope you don’t enter any Scottish shows with that build, I don’t need to go up against that kind of competition at a show…i’ll need to knoble it somehow LOL :grinning::yum::sunglasses:

I’m curious, what part of Scotland you hail from, I’m near Stirling myself.

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Ha! Don’t worry David, I very much doubt there will even be any shows this year, plus I doubt even more that I would actually enter anything in competition. Would be nice to share them with others though, in the plastic, if you will!

I’m just south of Glasgow, got family around Stirling too, a lovely part of the country.

Cheers, Jim.

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