Bandai B-Wing Build. Built!

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thanks for the links guts I entered my tuppence worth on the YouTube channel. I don’t really want to see more x-wings or tie fighters we have shed loads of those already.

1/48 Y-wing or imperial shuttle or something new would be much appreciated.

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Yeah, a 1/48th Y-wing is high on my list too. And I must say, now that I have worked on the 1/72nd B-wing for a while, a 1/48th version would be at the very top of my list.

Painted up Ten Numb. This is the second attempt after messing up at the end and removing all the paint and starting again. Took some liberties with colours but happy with the overall look. Paint still to dry as I added retarder. Looks a bit shabby zoomed in but that’s the best I can do at 1/72nd, actually looks ok from a distance, damn all those megapixels!


I would be immensely happy with that if I had painted it … Looks great

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Thanks John, yeah I’m pretty happy with it. I was most worried about the face but actually used a wash in a similar way I learned whilst doing the panel shading, and that’s the bit I’m most happy with, although the eyes are a little Clockwork orange when you look too close! :mantelpiece_clock: :tangerine:


Have most of the cockpit painted now. A couple of more wee things to do on it, like the side panels and seat cushions, but happy so far.

Oh, and it started extra dark sea grey, then black, then German grey, then Tamiya light grey before I was happy with the base colour! Back panel is just a thicker coat of said light grey with silver chipping.

Thanks for looking, Jim.


Looks really good Jim. Love the subtle changes in the grey theme throughout the cockpit. Gives it a genuine used look and the various little additions of colours just add to the look. Very well done

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That damn ATST on eBay went for £29 in the end… I knew I should of put one more bid in… Now I’m up against it lol…

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Thanks very much John, I’ve already added some more but going to stop now, don’t want to make it too busy. I think the original was fairly plain, but I think some extra detail helps at this scale.

That’s a shame about the at st. However, you don’t want to overpay as there may be a restock at some point. AMS still has the at-at. I was on there contemplating my next armour project, I’m almost committed to the Meng Leopard 2 a7+… or about six or seven others!

Cheers, Jim.

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I know what you mean… They have some great stock… Which reminds me to order some more AK paint… I will look at that damn AT-AT again if your going to force me to lol…:grin:

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Ha! You could just order an at-st from Japan and hope it passes through Royal Mail without ransom. But, as I say, I’ve a feeling there may be a restock, maybe when these promised y and a-wings arrive too.

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Well, that’s the mist coat on. AK RC white and Barley Grey, 6:1 white to grey, with plenty of gloss then thinned 4:1 thinner to paint.

After being very apprehensive about this step I am pretty happy with the result. The previous steps are showing through, and the colour is just about where I want it. Master Moore’s process once again delivers!

Cockpit also done. Couple of touch ups I notice from the pics but nothing major.

Now to conjure up a nice blue…

Thanks all, Jim.

Edit, tones of grey look slightly different left to right but that’s just my two lamps being different.


very nice indeed :+1: :+1:


Thanks John!

So, now we have the blue on. Tamiya xf23 light blue, and xf18 medium blue, mixed about 4:1 respectively. Then used AK RC 002 cream white to lighten the colour for highlights. As always the pics don’t show the shading very well. Also, those Tamiya paints must be well over a decade old, and sprayed just fine! I used mr color levelling thinner and a little clear gloss too.

Next step will be to use the overall mist colour, which I still have some of, to further highlight the blue and tie it in with the rest of the paint.

The rear cockpit part could have been masked more accurately but it’s sunny outside and I want to go enjoy it!

Cheers, Jim.


That’s a very nice shade of blue Jim. The whole thing is looking terrific. :+1:


Thanks John, I’ve now highlighted the blue with the mist colour, which is about 6 parts white to 1 part Barley grey. I think it brings the tones together quite well. Also painted the wing guns with some of the same mix on sections indicated in the instructions.

Now onto trying to cut masks for the orange roundels. I have a compass cutter thingy so fingers crossed I can make it work…

Cheers, Jim.


this is coming along nicely :+1::sunglasses:

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Thanks David.

I’m waiting for paints for the orange roundels so I have been working on the engine thrusters. Black base, then dark grey mixed from black and light grey. The purplish band is an oil colour wash made from magenta and intense blue and applied lightly. An 8b pencil was utilised for the metallic sheen.

The inner parts were painted black, then alclad aluminium. Mig dark wash was then used for all the other weathering. It is an old bottle and the finish isn’t uniform anymore but that works here.

I was very careful in trying not to get any mineral spirits on anything unpainted.

Cheers, J.


Hi all,

Paints finally arrived so the roundels are now on. I cut my own masks and used some masking fluid for the chipping. Mr hobby aqueous h14 orange and h33 russet, about 4:1 ratio, then lightened with h318 radome for highlights. As the orange is gloss the finish is a bit shiny, so will probably varnish the whole thing before doing anything else.

From the pics I can see I’ve still got some masking fluid to remove in places. I was going for a brighter colour but I think they ended up a suitable 70’s shade! Also pretty happy with how the chipping came out, my first time using this technique. I used Abteilung liquid mask, ABT115, applied with sponge and toothpick.

Thanks for looking in, Jim.