BATUS Chieftain Mk10 Stillbrew & CVRT Spartan Range Safety

Hot hot hot John! Spectacular! That camo job really gives it the look and says Chieftain. Your use of Blu-tac was spot on. The patterns are outstanding. The paint laid down very well for you. It looks excellent. Wonderful choice of color too. I would have never thought of field grey but it works perfectly. You nailed it bro. :beer:

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Beautiful combination! :+1:
Sand and faded dark green? Must remember that for the Chieftain that’s waiting in my stash.

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Ive been lurking from the beginning and you’ve really turned this kit into something awesome!
The camo work looks amazing. I cant wait to see the rest of the paint applied!

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Matthew, Tamiya Field Grey is also my go-to choice when it comes to finishing Brit armour say, 70s through to the 90s. It just captures that faded, lightened green shade just right - in my opinion of course(!)


Nice paint job.


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Funny if you realise that Feldgrau was the official color for WW2 German uniforms…

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Thanks Brian, very kind of you to say so :+1:

Thanks Matt as always. The field grey is just a nice shade of faded green compared to fresh NATO green. The cam was pure off the cuff… The mask went down with what sprang to mind as I rolled it lol… It doesn’t look to shoddy though :+1:

Cheers Olivier, glad you stuck around to keep track of it mate :+1:

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Thanks Bert :grin:… The thing with BATUS chieftains, and a lot of the kit out there is it goes from one extreme of the weather spectrum to the exact opposite in a fairly rapid space of time. The faded green suits it better as the wagons out there spend an awful lot of time in the sun compared to European vehicles and it does takes its toll on them. You could easily use NATO green on one ( I’m still happy using Tamiya NATO green for most of my other UK wagons) and that would look like one that’s just come out the paint shop, I just wanted an older faded look…

Welcome in from the shadow world Ezra lol … Nothing wrong with lurking at all…
Glad you like the build though and the detail painting will start now. That’s when it will start to really take shape once you can identify the little hidden bits …

Hi Johhny
Looking good, sand & spinach cam. What’s the hole above the Electrical Junction Box on the RHS and opposite it on the RHS too - perhaps fuel overflow? I’ve seen that on a couple of vehicles, but wasn’t sure whether it was original or something missing?


Thanks Mal. Its just a general overflow hole, to stop the build up of water around the turret ring area as far as I can remember. When you forded it or if you misjudged the bow wave in deep water that area would get a saturated. Even in a long prolonged rain downpour you would get a build up of water if the holes got blocked. The shape of the hull doesn’t really help and the turret ring is the only run off area.

John, your Chieftain just looks :white_check_mark: right :white_check_mark: Outstanding! Both colors and camo say Chieftain.

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Thanks Johnny
I’ve added those holes to my Chief & started on the bin drains too. Re the fwd bins, do they have a single drain each, or is there a further one hidden behind the skirt support brackets?
Also are there drains in the TC’s stowage bin - haven’t been able to spot one, nor in the rear square bins?


Both the front bins have drain holes on each corner. The ones behind the boz plate support brackets were rarely used but you could get your fingers down far enough to pull the stops out if needed … The hull rear long bins also had one on each corner.

The small hull rear corner bins nor the Commanders bin had any drain holes in them.

Thanks Johnny
More holes to drill then. Cool.


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Just to confirm it Mal, the small rear bins and the Commanders turret bin DID NOT have drain holes in them ok

'cause that is where they distilled their Gin… there was no bathtub in the tank…


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Only JD in my wagon :grin:

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