BATUS Chieftain Mk10 Stillbrew & CVRT Spartan Range Safety

Hi Johnny
My ration bin will be the LH Triangular, with interior painted white - easier to see into & to keep clean.

Mucked up the spacing of the braces on the RH bin, but given their normal separation, probably not too noticeable?

Further questions - what’s the circled feature on the lid?

Thought it might be to place a strut to keep the bin open, but seems to face the wrong way?

And on the long bin lids - the edging tape - is that a rubber seal?

My long bins so far -



The supports look fine Mal, I wouldn’t worry if they are slightly out … No one will know.
The stuff inside the bins was just like a strip of felt liner, probably to stop some noise and possibly a bit of protection from ingress of rain, but the bins soon got wet most of the time hence the drain holes and plugs.
Seriously, dont paint the inside white…
No one cares about anything that clean on a Chieftain tank crew … everything was always cans or in packets. We only usually took fresh bread till we got a replen and fresh eggs, maybe bacon or sausages and milk till it ran out but that was usually kept in the turret…

Sorry, and that was for a bin lid support as you thought :+1:

It’s about the material’s properties, texture, stretch-ability etc, rather than it’s usual use, which is fairly limited. I’ve used it here -

as a mantlet cover material the stretch ability allows the gun to elevate & depress.
Have done similar for Centurion & M60A1 mantlet covers for 1/35 back in the 70’s or 80’s.
It’s a bit like finding uses for non stick foil, which I also used to make the mantlet nose bag for my Chieftain.



Too late - actually one Chieftain user I know, said this was what his unit did. It made sense to me.

Felt, ok need to find something to replicate that. And add the lid support whodickey.


If you do the inside of the bin, don’t paint the inside of the lid white… That would stick out like a sore thumb

For the felt you could probably use thin strips if cream masking tape and then a very thinned and lightened green painted over it partially

Yep, had figured that out - hence the lack of paint on the lid interior


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Thinking about it


I’m bad … I missed the painted interior first time lol…

Isn’t that the opening line to Michael Jackson’s song?
You’re forgiven for both…


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Lol very good :joy::+1:

John, when dealing with these kits, no matter what, it cannot be your fault.

I wonder if anyone here has done an AA vehicle in the new grey resin ? Would be interesting to see if they had issues or what those resin casts are like

Not sure how “new” the kit was, but the Ferret I did back in May was grey (which is different from the weird mint green from the last AA kit I did back in like 2010).

Honestly it may have been a lemon cast but I wasn’t thrilled. The floor in the hull tub was so underpoured it was transparent and there were a fair few very large air bubbles on the front fenders. Wasn’t insurmountable by any means, but for what it cost me between exchange and shipping I don’t know that I’ll be chancing it again. Shame really because they offer some really cool kits and conversions.

Your beast however is turning into quite the beauty. I like the idea of using stockings for the nets.


You are good, I was just trying to be cheeky about John and him wearing pantyhose and not your use of the material.

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Looking good with the paint on it :+1:!

Thanks Karl, green will be on today or tomorrow :+1:

I think that’s always going to be the biggest issue… For the money some of the full kits are, let alone shipping and the exchange rates etc, you would want any kit to be pretty near perfect once you get it… But things like their veh accessories and add on’s and decals have always been pretty good though, well the ones I have ordered anyway …

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A bit more progress tonight. I got the green down for base coat of the cam scheme.

Only casualty was the front LH Boz plate snapped off but that will be an easy fix tomorrow.

Pretty happy with the colour. I wanted a more faded green so used Tamiya field grey with some white.
There is a bit of corrective work that needs doing and some of the masking agent needs removing … (blue tac and play doh lol). Next will be the thermal sleeve to paint.
Once all that’s done I can start detail painting all the little bits and pieces, which will probably take a few days I imagine. Then I need to make the hessian rolls and secure those on place.

Edit. I just realised some of the colours in a few of the pics look a bit muted (the sand mainly) … It’s just the lighting conditions as it’s night and I was using my phone. I can assure you they look fine with normal eyeball vision :grin::+1:


'Love it John - all coming together nicely now.

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