Best part of the build? Worst?

Dear Armor Buff

Thanks for the thoughtful expansion of a post of mine that sometimes drew a good natured bit of snark. Best part of the build is painting. Yeah the weathering etc is cool but the paint is what most modelers can’t wait to get to. It ain’t sanding wheels I know.

One of my favorite parts is a sub part and that is coming up with a scratch element. I learned this from my friend Lukasz Orczy from YT channel coldemonspl. The dude is the MacGyver of scratch builds. He’s partly why I came up with the sometimes maligned idea of drilling two holes and using scaled wire to make workable tie downs for stowage. He never did it but his constant unique scratch ideas inspired me. I’m sure someone else has done it, but I haven’t seen it yet. But the paint. The paint.


The tricky part is to find and use WITHOUT BREAKING a drill of the correct size.
After 30 handles (60 holes) with a 0.4 or 0.3 mm drill I start thinking that sanding those road wheels maybe isn’t so bad after all.
Looks very nice when finished though :smile:


You said it Uncle Heavy. My first attempt resulted in putty and sanding and forgetting about it because my bit was out of scale, but when I got to the pin like bits that’s when you can start seeing them bend. Phew!

The important thing to remember when using very thin drill bits is to use very small and light drill holders (pin vise). For the smallest bits I use a pin vise that is maybe 3 cm long and the handle part is a hollow pipe, 3-4 mm outer diameter.
Looks like this but only half the size:

This type of drill could also be an alternative:


And by all means stay away from carbide drills which are depressingly fragile, we’re certainly not drilling materials that would warrant them. What you want are high speed steel (HSS) drills which have quite a bit of flexibility to them and can be sharpened with a few swipes across the cutting faces with a fine stone.


I thought we covered that in another thread. I’ve been doing that for three decades, so I would never malign the idea.


once again i would defer to your expertise. i have many screwball ideas. many don’t work and i do a lot of damage but otherwise things might get boring